Leadership Refresher
Navigating conflict is a challenge for any leader. Use Extension's educational resources — videos, discussion guides and other tools — to refresh your current leadership expertise on conflict. These materials will provide you with a self-paced learning opportunity to strengthen your skills in navigating conflict and being resilient throughout the process.
Available topics
Video episodes are 15-22 minutes in length. The accompanying discussion guide and materials allow you to deepen your learning through reflection, discussion and practice.
Conflict? We don’t have a conflict
Conflict can show up within teams and organizations in a variety of ways. Learn about the sources of conflict and the underlying signs that it is present and impacting your team.
Okay, we have a conflict. Now what?
When you become aware of conflict within your team, what should you do about it? Discover strategies for navigating conflict and working toward a resolution.
This doesn’t feel right: Managing the emotions of conflict
Conflict can cause many different emotions. Explore how to understand your own feelings and those of others to navigate conflict together.
Conflict on the computer screen
Different working styles can contribute to conflict and make it more challenging to navigate. Learn how you can lead through difficult situations in both online and hybrid environments.
Rebuilding trust after conflict
Conflict can lead to stronger relationships and teams — if it is handled properly. Learn strategies for rebuilding trust and moving forward after conflict.
Ways to use these resources
You can use the videos and related material in these two ways:
- Self-paced learning opportunity: View the recordings and use the discussion guide to reflect on the topic. This will help you build self-awareness on your approach to navigating conflict and ways to build your leadership.
- Group study experience: Invite others to learn with you! You can use this series as part of meetings, staff development or lunch and learns. When using it with groups:
- Schedule the viewing session(s) in advance. This gives everyone the chance to attend.
- View the recording(s) and guide(s) in advance so you are prepared to guide the conversation.
- Set up the space to allow for conversation. The use of small groups around individual tables or a U-shaped table setup allows for more interaction.
Access the resources
We offer these materials free of charge. Before accessing them, however, we do request you fill out and submit a short form. This information will help us learn about our audience and where these resources are being used.