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The Who Gets Grandma's Yellow Pie Plate? workbook helps families address common decision making obstacles when passing on personal possessions.
It is filled with hands-on worksheets, practical suggestions, proven strategies, and real-life stories. This workbook will help you and your family to:
- Recognize the sensitivity of the issues.
- Determine what you want to do
- Decide what's fair for your family.
- Understand belongings have different meanings to different individuals.
- Consider distribution options and consequences
- Agree to manage conflicts if they arise.
Purchase multiple copies and save money!
1-24 copies — $12.50/each
25 or more copies — $7.50/each
This workbook is helpful for anyone considering personal property transfer, including property owners and family members. The workbook has also proven to help compliment the services of:
Estate planning and probate attorneys
Financial planners
Senior move managers
Funeral home directors
Senior housing and nursing home administrators
Estate sale and auction administrators
If you are a professional working with others on this issue, you may use the workbook in a variety of ways.
Guide clients one-on-one through the whole workbook.
Use the workbook to begin a discussion of the subject.
Encourage clients to complete important worksheets and read selected chapters.
Provide sample copies for review, and include ordering information.
Buy many copies and sell them as part of your services. Some professionals provide copies to all clients, and build in or subsidize the cost.
The following topics are addressed within the workbook. Click on the following links to see a sample.
Introduction: From generation to generation (PDF)
Helping families through education
Chapter 1: Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?™ Families and personal property inheritance
The issue that affects everyone
Decisions about both titled and non-titled property are important factors to consider in this process
Worksheet 1: My reasons for completing this workbook
Chapter 2: Understand the sensitivity of transferring personal property
Facing loss and transitions
Different perceptions of what’s fair
Reality of family experiences
Beginning the process
Avoiding the issue
Tips on talking about sensitive issues
Chapter 3: Determine what you want to accomplish
Sorting out goals
Worksheet 2: Potential transfer goals
Chapter 4: Determine what fair means
Being fair is important to many
Does fair always mean equal?
Consider a fair process
Worksheet 3: Owners of non-titled property determine what fair means
Worksheet 4: Potential receivers of non-titled property determine what fair means
Chapter 5: Identify special objects to transfer
Meanings will differ
Identify special items
Gather input from others
Worksheet 5: Owners of non-titled property identify special objects to transfer
Worksheet 6: Potential receivers identify special objects to transfer
Telling family stories
Worksheet 7: Use your belongings as props for telling family stories (PDF)
Chapter 6: Distribution options and consequences
Different methods and things to consider
If you do nothing: One example of intestate succession
Worksheet 8: List identifying transfer wishes
Chapter 7: Determine distribution options and establish ground rules
Agree on a process
Considering ground rules
Chapter 8: Managing conflicts if they arise
Just listen
Tips for better listening
Listen for feelings
How do I say what I need to say?
Working on conflicts
Can You Agree to Disagree
Remember your reasons for completing this process
Chapter 9: Planning is a process
Where are you in the planning process?
Completion steps: Property owners
Completion steps: Children and others working with a property owner
Completion steps: Children and others dealing with the belongings
Completion steps: Personal representatives working with a property owner
Completion steps: Personal representatives dealing with the belongings
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix B: References
Appendix C: Credits
"As executor for my mother's estate, I needed help. I never expected my sisters to act the way they did! This information helped me sort out what we wanted, talk about what we thought was fair, and consider different options. It wasn't easy, but we are still talking."
Buy this workbook
Reviewed in 2022