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Confirmation Bias

Two for you — take two minutes to live and lead with intention

Episode 3.8

What role does your brain have in reaffirming your beliefs? Learn about the Velcro Teflon Effect from Karen Reivich in this Two for You episode, then ask yourself, “What mental filters have you been seeing the world through recently?”



Note: Two for You written transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. Please check the corresponding audio before referencing content in print.

[Denise] Hello and welcome to two for you. Sometimes when we're in our communities we have some difficult conversations. In those conversations someone may give you a piece of information that you totally agree with, instantly agree with, and other pieces of information that you toss to the side.

What's happening in our brain that makes us so quick to react to these different pieces of information? Well it's called confirmation bias

[Lori] and Karen Reivich talks about it as the Velcro Teflon Effect. So basically (love that) yeah right. So we're going through our lives as parents, as neighbors, right. We're reading something, we're hearing something and we agree with it it's sticks in our brains like velcro.

Conversely we're going through our lives and we see something that disproves our beliefs or we don't agree with it and we think "ah" if we do or see at all we probably shove it off and say "well that's just you know an exception." Or we don't even notice it you know bounces off our brain altogether. And that's the Teflon part of the Velcro Teflon Effect.

[Denise] You need to challenge yourself in those situations anytime you have conversations going on or information coming in. Question yourself, why are you having that quick response that emotional gut response? Ask the questions that make you think a little bit deeper about that information especially as you live and lead with intention.

Authors: Lori Rothstein and Denise Stromme, former Extension educators

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