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4-H clover January 4-H State Agriculture Ambassador update

The agriculture ambassadors participate in an activity to find whether bare dirt or dirt with a cover crop is better to protect the soil.

The Minnesota 4-H Agriculture Ambassadors attended orientation in November, where they planned activities for the upcoming year and had the opportunity to get to know one another.

They also participated in a mock demonstration of the wind erosion activity found in the Foods, Fields, and You: Cultivating Global Agricultural Awareness curriculum.

At the end of the orientation, the state agriculture ambassador team headed over to Loon Organics for a tour of the commercial greenhouse and to sample lettuce. 

Ready to provide ag education across the state

The state agriculture ambassadors look forward to using what they learned to teach youth within their local communities during National Ag Week in March. In addition to local programming, the state agriculture ambassador team provides ag education and leadership across the state, including virtual learning opportunities for youth. Keep a look out for 4-H agronomy and horticulture events hosted by the state agriculture ambassadors.

The Minnesota 4-H Agriculture Ambassadors at orientation.

Request an agriculture ambassador for your next event

If you are interested in having a Minnesota 4-H Agriculture Ambassador be a youth spokesperson, emcee, speaker, program facilitator or host for an upcoming program or event, fill out the request form.  

Advisors to the Minnesota 4-H Agriculture Ambassadors are Anja Johnson, Amy Nelson and Brian Mc Neill, please reach out to any one of them for more information or questions.

Related topics: Statewide 4-H news Youth
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