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University of Minnesota Extension

Developmental Affirmations

mom and young child play guitar
family cooking at home
grandparents celebrate a birthday with young children

Developmental affirmations are positive messages that you give to another person or yourself. The affirmation messages give hope and direction by helping us care for others and ourselves. Developmental affirmations are especially helpful for people who are going through changes that lead to stress and uncertainty.

Author Jean Illsley Clarke worked with University of Minnesota Extension educators to create Words that Help: Affirmations for any age. Developmental Affirmations were identified over the course of many years, from 1976 until the present. The affirmations are ever growing. It is Jean Illsley Clarke’s hope that they will always be examined and added to by practitioners and parents. The affirmations cover many stages of life, and we encourage readers to revisit the book as time passes. 

Sample affirmations

"I love you just as you are”

“You can know what you know”

“I love you even when we differ; I love growing with you”

How to use the affirmations

You can use them in any way that works for you. Offer them directly to give support to children and to yourself. Here are some ideas:

  • Say or sing them;
  • Post them;
  • Make games with them;
  • Choose one a day to write down;
  • Keep your daily chosen one as a reminder;
  • Be creative!

About the book

This book is written in a question-and-answer format bringing all of the information to one place. The questions are from both newcomers and experienced users of these affirmations. The answers come from years of experience with the design and use of the messages by many people.

Get Words that Help: Affirmations for any age

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Reviewed in 2021

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