The educational package is available for $89.95.
Paquete educativo de Educación: nuestra mejor herencia para familias latinas
The Education: Our Best Legacy (EOBL) educational packages contain all of the resources needed to deliver the EOBL program. Use one of the packages to teach parents or caregivers with one or more children in middle school.
This version of EOBL educational package is the original version. All resources are in Spanish and English. You can use it to teach in Spanish to Spanish-speaking participants. The English version with this package is intended as a reference for English-speaking partners. It should not be used with participants. A version of this package is also available for non-Latino audiences. See Education: Our Best Legacy educational package.
What is included with the package?
All of the educational packages are web-based. Purchasing the educational package gives you access to the EOBL facilitator website. This website is the “one stop shop” and contains all of the resources you need to teach the program.
Click on each of the resources below to see samples.
Education: Our Best Legacy for Latino Families facilitator guide
Education: Our Best Legacy for Latino families presentations
Education: Our Best Legacy videos for Latino families
For more information on EOBL see Education: Our Best Legacy. For more information on this educational package, contact school success.
Note, you can get this package for free by attending the Education: Our Best Legacy facilitator training.