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Adjusting to income loss

Mother and daughter discussing finances
Man reviewing a bill with a concerned expression
Couple working on personal finance documents

Income loss happens to most of us at some point in our life. It can happen for many reasons such as being laid off, a reduction in work hours, or a health crisis. No matter the reason, the results are the same: you are earning less money. How you respond to income changes can make a difference for you and your family's long-term financial security. Use these resources to adjust your budget to fit your current income.

Deciding which bills to pay first

Tips and resources for deciding which bills to pay first.

Strategies for spending less

When your family faces reduced income, take immediate action to stop all excess spending.

Setting spending priorities when income falls

Get tips to help you make ends meet when your income goes down.

Talking with creditors

Advice for dealing with creditors when you are unable to pay your bills.

Consider your total financial picture

Look at your total financial picture and determine which assets you might use to meet family obligations.


Swapping resources with others is a time-tested way to stay in control when money is tight.

Reviewed in 2023

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