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Extension seeks nominations for new leadership education program in northwest Minnesota

University of Minnesota Extension is seeking nominations for Growing Local Leadership, a leadership education program that will begin Nov. 23, 2024. The program seeks candidates who live or work in northwest Minnesota, have not yet served in formal leadership positions, or have never participated in leadership education programming. Extension encourages, but does not require, nominees to identify a learning partner (a colleague, friend, or family member) to join the program with them, as research has shown this strengthens outcomes. 

The program will be conducted in four sessions. The first will be held in person at the Shooting Star Casino on Nov. 23, 2024, from noon to 5 p.m. The next two sessions will be held online from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., followed by an April in-person celebration.    

“In Minnesota, we need people to fill public offices and sit on boards and commissions,” says Holli Arp, program leader, Extension leadership and civic engagement. “We know that Extension leadership education gives participants the confidence they can make a difference, develops skills and connects leaders to resources to make them successful. Those outcomes are critical, especially for those who don’t yet see themselves as leaders.” 

Northwest Minnesota needs new leaders

How many adults must step up?

  • Kittson County: 1 in 5
  • Grant County: 1 in 7
  • Marshall County: 1 in 7
  • Lake of the Woods: 1 in 8
  • Norman County: 1 in 8
  • Traverse County: 1 in 8
  • Red Lake County: 1 in 9
  • Stevens County: 1 in 9
  • Wilkin County: 1 in 9
  • Pope County: 1 in 10
  • Roseau County: 1 in 10
  • Clearwater County: 1 in 11
  • Mahnomen County: 1 in 11
  • Polk County: 1 in 12
  • Otter Tail County: 1 in 14
  • Douglas County: 1 in 15
  • Pennington County: 1 in 15
  • Becker County: 1 in 16
  • Clay County: 1 in 26

Assumptions: Adults are 18 years and over; 5 leaders per government office, 6 leaders per non-profit.

Extension researcher Ben Winchester has analyzed the need for leaders in northwest Minnesota, identifying the number of leaders needed for government offices and non-profit boards and calculating how many adults are needed to fill those positions. His results reinforce what many busy leaders already feel. 

“The good news is that civic life is flourishing in Greater Minnesota,” says Winchester. “But we need to think critically about developing leadership for our civic organizations in the future. Leadership education is part of the answer.” 

Nominators and participants can express interest in the program by submitting this form by Oct. 1, 2024 (z.umn.edu/GLLnwFORM). Nominees must be over the age of 18 and work or live in the 19 counties that the program serves. Extension hopes to recruit those who do not currently hold leadership positions and/or haven’t participated in leadership education experiences. Primary factors to consider are emerging leadership and potential, interest, and commitment to participate in the program. 

Learn more about the Growing Local Leadership Program.

Contact: Holli Arp, program leader, 507-360-1004, arpx001@umn.edu

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