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4-H clover December 4-H state ambassador update


Rayea R., Freeborn County 
Minnesota 4-H State Ambassador 

My name is Rayea, and I am a part of the Minnesota 4-H State Ambassador leadership team. I'm serving in my second year as an ambassador, and this time in a leadership role.

Our ambassador team this year is definitely one to watch; we all have so many different interests, skills and capabilities, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to continue working with them throughout the year. 

Here are a few things we've been up to as a team.

Learn from alumni through Cloverchat

A few members of our team have been making podcasts for our Cloverchat podcast channel.

Our latest episode is an interview with Rachel Boyle. Boyle shares some of her 4-H memories and experiences and how 4-H helped her career after high school. She has worked in Douglas County and found a passion for public history. 

As Boyle defines it, public history is "...a way that engages with the public in a really meaningful way." 

You can learn more about this by checking out episode 24. The next episode will feature a very special guest who started the state ambassador program 55 years ago. Do you know who it is?

Build leadership skills and energy use awareness at BLU and TEEL

The state ambassador team recently met in person over the Nov. 10-12 weekend. We reconnected after not seeing each other since the state fair. We also engaged in team-builders, listened to speakers and started planning our area workshops: Building Leadership and Understanding (BLU) and Teens Engaged in Emerging Leadership (TEEL). 

BLU is geared toward youth in grades 6-9. At the same time and place, we offer TEEL for youth in grades 10 and up. This year's theme is "3..2..1.. Blasting into Leadership!" 

Mark your calendars to attend one of the experiences: 

  • Feb. 3-4 in Detroit Lakes

  • Feb. 10-11 in Waterville

  • Feb. 17-18 near Annandale

Come to learn something new, build leadership skills, meet new people and have tons of fun. 

Our statewide service project will also be featured at BLU and TEEL. Our service theme this year is "Energy Conservation." We will teach about energy use, provide quarterly service projects (check out Minnesota 4-H social media pages for updates) and do several interactive learning activities. 

Experience what 4-H has to offer nationally 

If you're interested in experiencing what 4-H has to offer nationally, consider participating in a national trip. 

Applications for Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) closes on Dec. 15.

Held in June, CWF is a week-long experience in Washington, D.C. Participants visit historical places, engage in workshops and discussions, and learn about government. CWF is open to youth in grades 9 and up. 

We will also send a delegation to the National Ignite by 4-H Teen Summit in March. 

Learn more about this experience and how to apply. Applications are due by Dec. 3. 

Check out Minnesota 4-H's social media pages for live updates on our members attending these events.

Reflect on your accomplishments

As the year wraps up and the days get colder, I look forward to snuggling up in blankets and drinking hot cocoa.

Looking back at past winters, I remember seeing piles of snow outside. My sister and I would jump into the piles and use them to make a snow fort. 

Winter may not be my favorite season, but I try to enjoy the cold weather. I love to watch seasonal movies with my family, and I cannot leave out the gorgeous scenes that the snowflakes and icicles make.

I encourage you all to look back at this year—all the way back to January 2023. A lot has happened, and some things have changed. Reflect on your accomplishments, and enjoy the people around you. 

Live it up in 2024!

Rayea R., Freeborn County 
Minnesota 4-H State Ambassador 

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