Thanks to Compeer Financial, along with support to the 4-H General Fund, Minnesota 4-H once again has dollars available for the Food Partner Challenge.
A good fall cleanup reduces weeds and disease, minimizes plant insect pests, prevents rodent infestation, and eases the workload for next year’s spring planting.
In an effort to become a more educated shopper at Farmer’s Markets in NE MN, Extension would like to
provide you with this chart so you will be able to plan your potential purchases and know when it’s peak
harvest season. This allows you to obtain the highest quality for preservation. These dates will shift based
on the growing conditions and varieties selected for each of the farms.
Pasek Dairy Farm, 2024 Farm Family of the Year
FDA testing reaffirms that pasteurization kills the H5N1 virus, and no live, infectious virus has been found in samples. They also tested powdered infant and toddler formulas, cottage cheese and sour cream.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that grocery store milk has tested positive for H5N1 fragments. Retail milk study results indicate that the commercial milk supply is safe.
Extension Yard and Garden has a new series of shrub pruning videos and new pages offering comprehensive information about managing (or encouraging) weeds.
This April is predicted to be warm after a winter of record warmth and minimal snow. This will affect insects and this year’s gardening season in many ways.
Human infections with avian influenza A viruses are uncommon but have occurred sporadically worldwide. If you are working directly with cattle that have tested positive or are suspected to be infected and you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, please consult your physician.
A juvenile goat has been confirmed to have Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Stevens County, Minn.