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University of Minnesota Extension

Agriculture business

Use the Dairy Risk Management Strategies workshops to determine which dairy programs are best for your dairy and highlight the pros and cons of tools that can help set a floor for milk prices.

Lettuce growing.

These educational opportunities are for small to medium-sized fruit and vegetable farms, but any farmer or gardener is welcome to attend.

The winter dairy series addresses key issues affecting dairy farmers. It is a collaboration between University of Minnesota Extension, the Minnesota Dairy Initiative and other local and national presenters.

Clean holstein cow.

The conference includes national and international speakers who are experts in the field of precision dairy management, producer panels, industry updates and latest research.

A farmer operating a tractor with disc harrow

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up-to-date, research-based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies.

Two hands shaking with tractor in background.

Wondering what is acceptable to charge or pay for land rent in Minnesota? Farmland rental workshops are held to help farmers, landlords, and professionals determine a fair farmland rental rate.

Field of corn.

This course is for income tax professionals who work with farmers or agricultural professionals such as agricultural lenders and farm management instructors.

Corn being harvested.

Agricultural marketing groups meet throughout the state for Extension educators and producers to discuss current marketing issues and develop marketing plans for their farms.

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