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Bacterial spot of tomato and pepper

Quick facts

  • Bacterial spot can be a devastating disease when the weather is warm and humid.
  • Four closely related bacteria cause bacterial spot: Xanthomonas vesicatoria, X. euvesicatoria, X. gardneri, and X. perforans.
  • The disease can affect all above-ground parts of tomato and pepper plants: stems, petioles, leaves, and fruits.
  • Fruit spots commonly result in unmarketable fruit.

How to tell bacterial spot apart from other issues

Brown spotting with yellow hallowing caused by bacterial spot in tomato
  • When it first appears on the leaves, bacterial spot is similar in appearance to many other tomatoes diseases
  • Tomato leaves have small (less than 1/8 inch), brown, circular spots surrounded by a yellow halo.
    • The center of the leaf spots often falls out resulting in small holes.
    • The leaf spots do not contain concentric rings, spots with concentric rings are likely caused by early blight.
  • Pepper leaves have small (less than 1/8 inch), brown, circular spots that do not have a yellow halo and centers do not fall out.
  • Small, brown, circular spots may also occur on stems and the fruit calyx.
  • Fruit spots are 1/4 inch, slightly raised, brown and scabby.
    • Tomato fruit often have a waxy white halo surrounding the fruit spot.
    • Pepper fruit spots often occur on the stem-end of the fruit.
  • Spots occur on green and red fruit but do not result in rot.
Circular brown scabs on tomato caused by bacterial spot
Bacterial spot symptoms on pepper
Bacterial spot caused spots on bell pepper


  • Four closely related bacteria cause bacterial spot: Xanthomonas vesicatoria, X. euvesicatoria, X. gardneri, and X. perforans.
  • Different strains infect either tomato or pepper or both.
  • All strains prefer high temperatures (75°F to 86°F), high humidity, and frequent rainfall/overhead irrigation.
  • Bacteria survive on plant debris in the soil for one to two years, but will not survive once plant debris breaks down.
  • Introduction is primarily on infected seed or infected transplants. Even seedlings that do not show symptoms may be infected and will show symptoms later in the growing season.
  • Bacteria can spread from plant to plant by tools, growers’ hands, or through splashing rain or irrigation water.
  • Between rotations, the bacteria may survive on tomato or pepper volunteer plants.

Managing bacterial spot in home gardens


Managing bacterial spot on farms


Authors: Marissa Schuh, horticulture IPM Extension educator, Anna Johnson, Michelle Grabowski and Angela Orshinsky

Reviewed by Natalie Hoidal, Extension educator

Reviewed in 2021

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