We have many ways for you to learn about horses -- and you don't need to own one. You can learn about grooming, visit a farrier or veterinarian, join a team and compete on your horse knowledge.
Minnesota Opportunities
The horseless horse program gives youth in grades 3 and up who don’t have a horse the opportunity to learn about horses through educational, hands-on and leadership opportunities.
In this project area, you will engage and explore horses in a variety of ways.
Learn more about the horseless horse project.
Contact Kirstin Koch at [email protected] or Renee Kostick at [email protected].
In this fun, friendly competition, 4-H'ers show their knowledge and understanding of equine science and husbandry. Any 4-H'er can join — you don't need to be in the horse project or own a horse.
The competition is held every September at the Minnesota 4-H State Horse Show. Winning teams go on to represent Minnesota in national competitions.
Learn more at our 4-H Hippology Contest page.
4-H'ers, parents and supporters, please consider volunteering at the annual Minnesota Horse Expo tack sale. You can support the 4-H program by buying, selling or volunteering at this sale.
In this event, you will make a careful study of a horse, measuring it against an accepted ideal. Horse judging is the art of ranking animals, using your knowledge of ideal horses. Then, use your public speaking skills to defend your choices. Read more on the Horse Judging Contest page.
Do you love horses? You can become a 4-H horse judge! To train and be certified to judge 4-H horse shows, you must be at least 18 years of age and not a current 4-H member.
Learn more about Becoming a 4-H Horse Judge.
In Project Bowl, teams of 3-6 youth build skills working and thinking together while testing their knowledge in these 4-H areas: dairy, dog, general livestock, horse, llama/alpaca, poultry, and rabbit. More about Project Bowl.
Give a speech or demonstration about horses, competing against other speakers. Learn more about 4-H Horse Project Speech and Demonstration Contest.
This event is held every September during the Minnesota 4-H State Horse Show.
Winter Round Up is an exciting three-day, two-night conference of adult and youth leadership and 4-H Horse Project learning. It's for youth in sixth grade or older who are interested in horses. Their families and adult 4-H volunteers are also welcome.
National Opportunities
Top hippology teams, horse judging teams, speech and demonstration participants and project bowl teams can compete against teams from other states.
Arabian Youth Hippology Contest
Typically in October in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Qualify through the Minnesota 4-H Hippology Contest.
American Quarter Horse Congress Youth Contests
Typically in October in Columbus, Ohio.
Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup
Typically in November in Louisville, Kentucky.
Black Hills Stock show / Central States Fair and Rodeo
Typically in January in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Youth World Championship Judging Contest
American Paint Horse Association. Typically in July.
Reviewed in 2020