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University of Minnesota Extension

Youth Engagement Matters

This course is based on the Rings of Engagement, which shows the range of youth engagement and youth-adult partnerships. It teaches four ways to engage youth:

  • Participation in programs.
  • Fostering individual passion through experiences and activities.
  • Creating space and place for youth voice in programs.
  • Collective action to make change with youth and adults as partners.

Who should attend

Managers, direct service providers, part-time staff and volunteers who work with youth.

You will

  • Review and discuss case studies from programs with high youth engagement models and strategies.
  • Reflect on critical readings.
  • Discuss why youth take part (or don't take part) in programs, and how the youth engagement program models and strategies work in programs.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the Rings of Engagement structure.
  • Make engagement plans for working with young people.
  • Understand that "youth engagement is a lifestyle, not a method."
  • Network with colleagues.

Available by contract

  • $750 for 3 hours or less
  • $1500 for 4-6 hours

Contact: cyd@umn.edu or 612-624-1999

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