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University of Minnesota Extension

Donor recognition

The generosity of donors is critical to Extension's success.

Recognizing donors is an important way for Extension to express its deep gratitude and show supporters how their generosity helps foster excellence.

Extension works with the University of Minnesota Foundation to thank donors through its recognition programs.

Annual giving recognition

Individuals and families are recognized as part of the leadership and loyalty annual giving program when their household contributions to any University campus or program total $1,000 or more during a calendar year, or when multiple gifts have been made in consecutive years.

The Dean's Circle

The Dean's Circle recognizes benefactors who have contributed cumulative lifetime cash gifts of $10,000 or more to any area of Extension, including 4-H. Their consistent giving enables Extension to meet the needs of our programs and to invest in emerging opportunities that provide transformative programming and research experiences throughout Minnesota.

These donors help Extension:

  • Create opportunities for young people from across the state to learn skills outside traditional classrooms.
  • Share practical knowledge and quickly respond to changes that affect Minnesotans’ well-being.
  • Cultivate new and emerging leaders who will guide our communities in the coming decades.
  • Attract and retain Extension faculty and educators who can listen to Minnesotans’ needs and collaborate to deliver solutions.

On behalf of the entire Extension community, thank you.

The President's Club

Founded in 1963, the President's Club recognizes individuals, families, and organizations whose University-wide cumulative giving totals $100,000 or more.

The President's Club Heritage Society

Donors making estate and other planned gifts are recognized as members of the Heritage Society, a part of the President's Club.

Donors also are recognized — or they can recognize someone else — through the naming opportunities available at the University. Extension has several gift funds, endowments, and faculty positions named in honor of individuals who are passionate about our mission.

Donors tell their stories

Learn more about how Extension donors have an impact on our people and programs through their own stories of giving.

Read about some of our donors

Reviewed in 2021

Page survey

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