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University of Minnesota Extension

At Your Service workshop

A smiling worker at a nursery handing over a plant to a customer.
A smiling server making coffee in a cafe.
A smiling server handing over a cup of coffee to a customer at a counter.

Your community or business can use great customer service as an asset and a competitive advantage. Research shows that focusing on the needs of the customer and delivering value creates satisfied customers. Our research-based At Your Service program engages participants in fun, thought-provoking exercises, and self-reflection to build the skills and knowledge to deliver great service to every customer.

Program participants will:

  • Understand how culture — theirs and the guests — affects the service experience.
  • Learn how to manage their own attitude.
  • Develop skills to identify and respond to customer needs.
  • Gain strategies to create positive customer experiences.
  • Create a personal action plan to put new skills to work.

The program is offered in three ways


How to get started

For more information or to get started with At Your Service, contact DeeDee LeMier or find an educator near you.

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