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University of Minnesota Extension

Manure Management Planning for Minnesota 2021

Are you in interested in learning how to use the Manure Management Planner from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency? Want to know more about the science behind manure management planning in Minnesota? This course is for you!

Modules include an introduction to manure management planning and the Manure Management Planner (MMP), manure storages in MMP, field information, crop information, nutrient application, and special cases in MMP.

Course sections

Section 1

Agricultural service providers, farmers, nutrient management planners, or others interested in taking this course.

Section 2

MN County Feedlot Officers. Two additional modules in this section include reviewing MMPs and reviewing farm records.


Registration is now open for Manure Management Planning for Minnesota 2021. This is an online course. After you register you will receive instructions for accessing the materials.

Register now

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