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Remember grace in times of change

“I just wish things would go back to normal” is a common sentiment during times of change. It doesn't matter if the change is personal or on a community, national or even global level.

We have all probably heard the response to this wish is that things will never be the same. This isn’t about getting “back” to normal; it’s about getting to the new normal. What is considered "normal" changes over time. It’s not good or bad, it’s just what’s next.

Experiencing seasons of change

Seasons of change are always difficult. Losing what we’ve known and walking into the unknown is never easy. But it’s necessary, like growing pains.

Coping with change gets easier as we grow more resilient. Resilience allows us to adapt more easily to adversity and recover from change.

The tricky part about resilience is that you build it by going through adversity. We learn from our experiences and our brains help us find ways that allow us to cope, handle stress and discover alternatives.

Remember grace

Some people are more resilient than others, and that’s okay. When it comes to resilience, whether in yourself or someone else, remember one keyword: grace. We need to give ourselves the grace to be upset, anxious and excited as we go through these periods of change.

We need to allow ourselves to grieve things we may have lost, while still remembering to move forward. We also need to give others grace. We never truly know what other people are going through behind closed doors.

It’s easy to get frustrated with people, especially when they seem stuck in the past or too scared to make a decision. These are overwhelming times for many people and as we all learn to adapt, we also need to think about adapting the way we communicate with and support one another.

Author: Emily Krekelberg, Extension farm safety and health educator

Reviewed in 2021

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