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University of Minnesota Extension

Essential row crop management - online

aphids on soybean leaf
tar spot on corn
gall midge in soybean stem

A "socially distant" webinar series for the summer of 2020

This webinar series was a continuation of the collaboration between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and University of Minnesota Extension. Specialists from both states will provided four webinars for farmers, ag professionals, Extension personnel and other interested parties in July.  

Each webinar included a short discussion on a key topic followed by time for questions and answers. As peoples’ time is limited during a busy season, webinars were limited to about 30 minutes. 

Webinar resources

If you weren't able to attend in person, you can watch the webinars and see other resources here. Additional information will be added as soon as it is available. You can also access these resources in an Iowa State Cybox.

Summer 2020 series


Spring series 2020

Page survey

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