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Japanese knotweed

Quick facts

Japanese knotweed is an invasive species. Japanese knotweed is on the  Control noxious weed list meaning you must prevent the spread of this plant.

  • Japanese knotweed tolerates full sun, high temperatures, high salinity and drought.
  • It can pose a significant threat to riparian areas, such as low-lying stream sides, lakeshores and other low-lying areas.
  • It spreads vegetatively, forming dense thickets that suppress native vegetation.
  • Crosses between Japanese, Bohemian and giant knotweed are being found in Minnesota.
  • In Minnesota, roots have grown through both old and new building foundations, producing vine-like roots inside these structures.

Japanese knotweed should be reported. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources provides detailed recommendations for reporting invasive species.

How to identify Japanese knotweed

  • Japanese knotwood (Polygonum cuspidatum) resembles bamboo.
  • Perennial plant, ten feet tall.
  • Often forms dense, leafy thickets.


  • Young stems emerging from the ground are purplish and green.
  • Mature stems are green during the summer, reddish brown in the fall.
  • Stems are smooth, hollow and swollen at the joint where the leaf meets the stem.
  • Can reproduce from stem fragments.


Japanese knotweed leaf
  • Alternate, broadly oval, straight at the base and pointed at the tip; dark green on the upper surface and light green on the lower surface, about four to six inches long and three to four inches wide.
  • Knotweeds hybridize, making identification tricky.


  • Male and female flowers.
  • Greenish-white, branched clusters grow from leaf axils near the end of stems.
  • Blooms in late summer.
Japanese knotweed flower


  • Seed production is rare.
  • Small, winged pods carry very small, shiny, triangular seeds.


  • Long (65 feet or more), stout rhizomes form fibrous roots, allowing vegetative spread.
  • Root fragments can produce new plants.

Angela Gupta, Amy Rager and Megan M. Weber, Extension educators

Reviewed in 2019

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