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Invasive phragmites

Quick facts

Invasive phragmites (or invasive common reed) is a prohibited-control noxious weed. Importation, sale, and transportation of plants is prohibited. 

  • Invasive phragmites can form dense stands that displace native phragmites and other wetland plant species, reduce habitat quality for fish and wildlife, and alter ecosystem functioning and hydrology. 
  • Invasive phragmites are easily confused with the native phragmites. 

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture monitors this invasive species. Please report it at Report a Pest.

How to identify invasive phragmites

Invasive phragmite ligule

Invasive phragmites (Phragmites australis ss. australis) is a perennial grass with large flower heads reaching heights of up to 20 feet. 


  • Cane-like stems.
  • Dull, hollow, tan and ridged. 


  • Deep green leaves up to 20 inches long and 1/2 to 1-1/2 inches wide.
  • The membrane at the junction of the leaf sheath and blade (the ligule) is less than one millimeter. 
  • Sheathes tightly adhere to the stem and remain attached through winter. 


  • Dense, feathery seed heads up to 16 inches long.
  • Green to purple when in bloom and change to tan-gold over time. 


  • Grayish in color, covered in fine silky hairs.
  • Each flowering stalk produces thousands of seeds. 


  • Produces rhizomes that can reach lengths of up to 60 feet and depths of six feet and allow for vegetative reproduction. 
  • Also capable of spreading via stolons. 


Invasive phragmites
Invasive phragmite stem

Authors: Angela Gupta, Amy Rager and Megan M. Weber, Extension educators

Reviewed in 2023

Page survey

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