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Lambing and Kidding season

Lambing and kidding season will soon be upon us.  Assemble all items on the list in a tool kit.  Make sure all items are in good working  condition. This list is a majority of the basic materials and you might find a few others, but these tools will help you increase your success rates with difficult lambing and kidding situations.  Once you have this kit assembled, take the time to learn how and why each of the items are included in the kit and try them out on a stuffed animal or simulated situation.  There are also videos etc. that can be helpful just to have some experience before the situations occur.  If you have further questions please let me know and I would be happy to help.

Here is a fact sheet on Lambing and Kidding Kit Preparation


Troy Salzer, St. Louis County Extension  Educator, salze003@umn.edu, 218-591-0478

Emma Severns, Sibley/Nicollet County Interim  Extension Educator, sever575@umn.edu


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