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4-H clover Faribault County 4-H'ers Exhibit Their Best at the 2024 Minnesota State Fair

4-H youth from across Minnesota again showcased their learning in the 4-H Building at the Minnesota State Fair. Over 155 demonstrations were delivered and over 1,900 general exhibits were on display. In a continuation of the virtual state showcase format developed in 2020, over 100 of the general exhibits were judged virtually this year.

Throughout the year, 4-H youth select project areas that reflect personal areas of interest and pursue hands-on learning in both self-directed and guided environments. The results of their learning are exhibited at county fairs and other showcase events across the state. A collection of the best exhibits from each fair and showcase are brought to presentations in the 4-H Building at the Minnesota State Fair.

Exhibiting project work and delivering public presentations at the state fair provides youth an opportunity to showcase their achievements and continue learning through interactive conference judging with project experts and team experiences. The presentations, exhibits and presence of 4-H youth from diverse communities across Minnesota brought renewed and welcomed energy to the 4-H Building. 


Faribault County 4-H congratulates its 4-H’ers who attended the 2024 4-H State Fair encampments:

Ruby Allis (Barber Flyers Club) earned a blue ribbon for her livestock demonstration in swine, 7th place for her market gilt pig and 5th place Market Gilt Showperson Senior Division.

Myles Bressler (Riverside Club) was awarded 3rd place in Registered Simmental Cow and Calf. He also received a green ribbon in showmanship.

Carley Chance (Minnesota Lake Voyagers Club) earned a blue ribbon for her fine arts entry.

Kylin Cords (Barber Flyers Club) received a purple ribbon and 4th place for her market gilt pig.

Madison Ehrich (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) won a purple ribbon and 4th place in Registered Duroc Market Barrow.

Madison Enger (Riverside Club) achieved 5th place for her registered Charolais steer, as well as a green ribbon in showmanship.

Elijah Goshorn (Lucky Clovers Club) received a blue ribbon for his woodworking entry. This entry, a wooden loom for making sleeping mats for homeless people, also won a Community Impact Recognition Award.

Jack Haase (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) achieved a blue ribbon for his woodworking entry.

Nolan Hagedorn (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) was awarded 6th place for his junior meat breeding doe kid goat and a green ribbon in showmanship.

Madelyn Humburg (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) earned 6th place for her registered Simmental junior yearling cow, as well as a green ribbon in showmanship.

Ashlyn Klinkner (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) was awarded a 9th place for her market gilt pig.

Abbey Lorenz (Foster Fire Flies Club) earned 1st place and a purple ribbon for her red and white senior yearling dairy cow.

Brady Lorenz (Foster Fire Flies Club) achieved Champion Red and White Heifer, 1st place and a purple ribbon for his red and white junior yearling dairy cow. He also won 5th place in showmanship and received a green ribbon for participating in the Dairy Judging Contest.

Christopher Murray (Lucky Clovers Club) earned 3rd place and a blue ribbon for his senior buck rabbit. He also received a blue ribbon for his woodworking entry.

Reese Olson (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) won a 4th place for her junior yearling meat breeding doe goat, as well as a green ribbon in showmanship.

Braxton O’Rourke (Barber Flyers Club) was awarded 9th place for his black face ewe lamb. He was also awarded a $2,500 scholarship, sponsored by the Minnesota Pork Board.

Ivyella O’Rourke (Barber Flyers Club) earned 6th place for her black face market lamb.

Hayden Prestegard (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) achieved 6th place for his crossbred market barrow pig. He also was awarded a blue ribbon for his food preservation entry.

Hudson Prestegard (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) earned 8th place for his market gilt pig. He also was awarded a blue ribbon and a Community Impact Recognition Award for this science inquiry entry regarding the effects of temperature on rocket flight.

Taylor Ripley (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) won a blue ribbon for her needle arts entry.

Amaya Ristau-Mensing (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) earned a blue ribbon for her Holland lop senior buck rabbit.

Brooklyn Rosenau (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) won a blue ribbon for her photography entry.

Grace Schavey (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) achieved 4th    place and a purple ribbon for her crossbred market barrow pig.

Aiden Shaffer (Riverside Club) won a red ribbon for his fine arts entry.

Macy Sonnek (Barber Flyers Club) won Grand Champion Market Gilt and Grand Champion Market Gilt-Division 2, as well as first place and a purple ribbon for her market gilt pig. She also received a $1,000 scholarship, sponsored by Hubbard Feeds.

Victoria Stevermer (Barber Flyers Club) achieved a blue ribbon for her foods and nutrition entry.

Jaydyn Volz (Elmore Soaring Eagles Club) won 2nd place for her registered Charolais fall beef calf, as well as a green ribbon for showmanship.

The Faribault County 4-H office congratulates these youth on their hard work and successes! See the full 2024 4-H State Fair results and photos at z.umn.edu/4h-state-fair-results.  

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