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4-H clover 4-H'er honored by Kiwanis Sunrisers of Winona

Sophie E. was recognized as the Winona County 4-H Youth Representative for the month of June. She is the daughter of Suzie and Andy E. and member of the Winona River City 4-H Club. Sophie will be a senior at Winona Senior High School this fall with plans to head to North Dakota State in 2025 with hopes of majoring in Veterinary Technology with a minor in large animal science.
Sophie has held numerous leadership positions during her time in 4-H as club secretary and vice president and is currently her 4-H Club President. She is also serving as the Winona County 4-H Federation Youth Treasurer. Sophie has exhibited a wide range of 4-H projects including dairy and meat goats, sheep, poultry, rabbits, geology, herb gardening, photography and more! The Dairy Goat project is her favorite as she enjoys working with them and learning about them!
Throughout her time in 4-H Sophie has given back to her community in a number of ways including clean-up around the Winona lakes, Feed My Starving Children, making ornaments for nursing homes and care packages for those in need.
When asked what 4-H has taught her Sophie responded “ 4-H has taught me many life skills and has allowed me to grow not only as an individual but also as a leader. This program has shown me that if you put the work in, you are going to get something back whether it is a lesson, experience or achievement.”

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