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University of Minnesota Extension

4-H clover 4-H Incredible Exchange youth begin volunteering

The 4-H Incredible Exchange kicked off this summer with 47 youth at 12 different volunteer sites. The Lake Superior Zoo and The Depot joined as new sites this year, along with many additional sites returning from previous years.  Site options include both in-person and virtual volunteering.

Interviews for the program took place via Zoom in May. During this time, youth applicants and site mentors had an opportunity to meet with each other and ask questions. Youth were invited to interview with three sites each, and site matching was based on both youth and mentor preferences.

Volunteer activities began in June and will continue through August. Youth in the program are connecting regularly with adult mentors, learning job skills, and contributing to meaningful work in their community.

Youth who volunteer 25 hours or more will earn an exchange certificate for a recreational or cultural activity of their choice. In August, youth, along with parents and mentors, are invited to recognize their achievement in an end-of-year celebration.

The 4-H Incredible Exchange is just one of many program offerings available to youth in St. Louis County this summer. For more information on other programs, visit our catalogue of opportunities or contact one of your local Extension Educators.

Katie Ecklund, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development,  kolean@umn.edu

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