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Manganese in Minnesota soils

Quick facts

  • Manganese (Mn) is one of eight essential micronutrients for plants.
  • It is required for photosynthesis, nitrogen metabolism, lignin synthesis, root growth, and activation of many enzymatic systems.
  • Deficiency of Mn in crops can lead to significant yield loss if not corrected properly.
  • Most Minnesota soils supply an adequate amount of Mn for crop production.

Manganese in soils

The Earth's crust contains about 0.11% Mn. The availability of Mn varies greatly depending on soil types and other soil properties.

Specific soil conditions that affect Mn availability

  • Soil pH: Manganese deficiency is likely to occur on heavily weathered sandy soils and peat or organic soils with a pH above 6.0. On mineral soils such as calcareous soil, Mn deficiency may occur with pH values of 6.5 or above. As soil pH decreases, plant available Mn increases. Manganese can be toxic in highly acidic (pH < 5.0) soil.
  • Soil organic matter: Mn in the soil solution often becomes unavailable because ionic forms of Mn easily bind with organic matter.
  • Moisture and temperature: Lack of soil moisture reduces Mn availability. Cold and wet soil may cause Mn deficiency in plants due to the combined effects of reduced mineralization of soil organic matter, reduced root growth, and reduced metabolic activity in roots affecting Mn uptake.
  • Presence of other metal micronutrients in soil: Greater concentration of copper, iron, nickel, and zinc in the soil may induce Mn deficiency by reducing Mn uptake.

Crops that respond to manganese fertilization

Crops species and cultivars vary considerably in their response to fertilizer-Mn. Some crops are more sensitive than others. The table below lists some agronomic and horticultural crops grown in Minnesota that are sensitive to fertilizer-Mn.

Crop sensitivity to manganese fertilization

High Sensitivity Crops Medium Sensitivity Crops Low Sensitivity Crops
Apples Alfalfa Asparagus
Cucumber Barley Blueberries
Dry edible bean Broccoli Rye
Grapes Cabbage
Lettuce Carrot
Soybean Cauliflower
Sugarbeet Celery
Wheat Corn
Onion Potatoes
Oats Strawberries
Peas Sweet corn
Potato Tomatoes
Snap bean

Manganese deficiency symptoms

A soybean leaf showing manganese deficiency symptoms, characterized by yellowing leaf tissue while the veins remain green. Photo: Montana State University

Manganese deficiency symptoms vary by crops. Manganese is highly immobile in the plants. Deficiency symptoms first appear in younger plant tissues. A common Mn deficiency symptom for most crops is recognized by interveinal chlorosis (yellowing between the veins) in the young leaves while the veins remain dark green. These symptoms can often be confused with iron (Fe) deficiency. In dicots, green veins with Mn deficiency are often wider than with Fe deficiency and have a fishbone appearance.


Young soybean leaves become chlorotic between the veins while the veins remain green. In severe Mn deficiency conditions, brown and dead areas appear on the leaves.

Following a glyphosate application, symptoms similar to Mn deficiency may appear. This symptom is known as glyphosate flash. In this situation, symptoms may only be temporary and new leaves will not likely be normal green in color.


Manganese deficiency in corn is recognized by interveinal chlorosis when the veins remain green. White flecks appear in the interveinal chlorotic areas. Photo: IPNI

Interveinal chlorosis appears in the young corn leaves while the veins remain green. Plants become stunted with short thin stems. In severe deficiency conditions, leaves turn yellow and white flecks appear in the interveinal chlorotic areas.

Small grains

In oats, gray oval-shaped spots appear at the edge of newly developed leaves when the plants are approximately at the 3 to 4-leaf stage. The symptom is known as “gray speck”. Multiple spots may appear. The spots generally get bigger as plants grow.

In wheat and barley, plants develop yellow parallel streaks on the younger leaves.

Manganese deficiency in wheat. Plants develop yellow parallel streaks on the younger leaves.


Interveinal chlorosis may occur on the outer leaves, wilted, and may develop tip burn. Plants become stunted and delayed bulbing may occur.

Potato and sugarbeet

In potatoes and sugarbeet, interveinal chlorosis begins in the younger leaves. Gray and black freckling may develop along the veins as plants grow. Potatoes show reduced leaf size.

Landscape plants

Some landscape plants such as maples and winterberry are susceptible to Mn deficiency when grown on calcareous soils. Symptoms include interveinal yellowing of the younger leaves and in severe cases leaf death.

Diagnosing manganese deficiency

Soil and plant tissue tests are recommended to determine Mn deficiency in plants.

Soil testing

The DTPA extraction method is suggested for measuring Mn concentration in soil. Some soil labs extract Mn using the Mehlich-III extraction solution. Data comparing the two tests has shown no correlation between Mn extracted with the DTPA test versus the Mehlich-III test and interpretations for either test should not be used for the other.

Currently, the DTPA test is not calibrated for agronomic crops in Minnesota soils. So soil test interpretations and fertilizer suggestions based on the DTPA Mn are not provided for grain and vegetable crops grown in Minnesota.

For vegetable crops grown on organic soils, Mn is recommended for sensitive crops if the soil pH is greater than 5.8.

Plant tissue testing

A deficiency of Mn can be diagnosed using plant tissue analysis. Plant tissue analysis should be used in conjunction with soil tests before arriving for a recommendation for using Mn fertilizer. Interpretations for various concentrations of Mn in plant tissue of several agronomic and horticultural crops grown in Minnesota are summarized in the next table.

Because tissue Mn concentration varies between growth stages and plant parts, tissue testing should be done on specific plant parts at specific times in the growing season for the interpretation of plant analysis to be accurate.

Sufficiency levels of manganese

Crop Plant part Time Sufficiency range
Alfalfa Top 6 inches Bud 30-100 ppm
Apple Mature leaves from new growth Summer 25-200
Blueberry Mature leaves from new growth Summer 25-150
Broccoli Mature leaves from new growth Heading 25-200
Cabbage Wrapper leaves Head ¾ mature 25-200
Carrot Oldest leaves Mature plants 50-200
Cauliflower Mature leaves from new growth At heading 25-250
Edible beans Most recently matured trifoliate leaves. Bloom stage 20-90
Field corn Leaves from base of ear Initial Silk 15-150
Grape Mature leaves Nonfruiting – most recently matured leaf 25-200
Oat 25 whole shoots Head emerges from boot 25-100
Pea Recently mature leaflet First bloom 30-400
Potato Most recently fully developed leaves and petiole 40-50 days after emergence 20-450
Potato Petiole 40-50 days after emergence 30 - 300
Raspberry Mature leaves from mid-section of primocanes 2-3 weeks postharvest 25-300
Soybean Most recently matured trifoliate leaves. Early Flowering 17-100
Spring wheat 25 Whole tops As head emerges from boot 25-100
Strawberry Most recently matured leaves At flowering 50-200
Sweet corn Unfurled leaves (5t leaf from tip) 7-8 week-old plants, tassel start 31-300
Sugarbeet 25 recently matured leaves June-July, 50-80 days after planting 26-360

Crop response to manganese fertilization in Minnesota


Glyphosate-resistant soybean comprises 96% of the total acreage planted in Minnesota. Previous research in other U.S. states has documented that glyphosate-resistant soybean genotypes lowered Mn concentrations in trifoliate tissue compared to conventional soybean genotypes.

Studies conducted in Minnesota from 2011 to 2014 at 18 locations have shown tissue Mn concentrations were within the sufficiency range regardless of Mn fertilizer application. Application of fertilizer Mn did not significantly (P≤0.05) increase tissue Mn concentration at any location. There were no apparent issues with Mn toxicity even though some trifoliate Mn concentrations were above the range considered sufficient for soybean at the R1 growth stage.

Grain data collected from 12 sites during 2011 to 2014 showed no evidence of a yield increase due to the application of Mn.

Summary of main treatment (manganese source) effects on soybean trifoliate

Year Location Mn soil test OM soil test* pH soil test Trifoliate Mn conc -Mn** Trifoliate Mn conc +Mn Grain yield -Mn** Grain yield +Mn
2013 Norman 11 ppm 3.70% 8.1 112 ppm 108 ppm 26.8 bu/acre 26.8 bu/acre
Redwood 47 4.5 5.8 38 41 38 38.2
Olmsted 35 2.1 5.8 76 76 40.1 40.7
Winona 49 3 6.7 85 88 44.6 42.1
Sibley A 27 7.3 7.4 113 123 36.4 36
Sibley B 47 5.2 6.8 69 71 41.2 40
2014 Norman 7 6.1 7.4 79 81 37.1 39
Redwood 57 4.4 5.4 68 66 61.3 61.3
Olmsted 29 4.6 6.5 72 72 54.3 53.9
Olmsted 33 2.2 5.9 80 78 38.3 37.9
Sibley A 14 6.5 7.7 68 68 44.4 45.3
Sibley B 32 4.8 7 50 51 52.1 51.8


No documented cases of Mn deficiency in corn have been reported in Minnesota. Yield data from eight trials conducted in Minnesota in 2011 are given in the following table. There was no significant yield increase at any location observed.

Summary of corn grain yield (15.5% moisture content) for plots with (+Mn) and without (-Mn) manganese fertilization.

Site Mn soil test OM soil test* pH soil test Corn grain yield -Mn** Corn grain yield +Mn
Oklee, 2011 4 ppm 18.70% 6.3 109 bu/acre 109 bu/acre
Rochester, 2011 54 6.1 6.1 241 233
Staples, 2011 24 7.1 7.1 197 199
Westport, 2011 33 6.5 6.5 194 189
Gaylord, 2012 6.3 6.4 185 199
Montgomery, 2012 3.1 7.4 195 195
Rochester, 2012 2.2 5.7 158 152
Rochester, 2013 2.1 5.8 177 178

Manganese toxicity

A soybean trifoliate leaf showing manganese toxicity symptoms. Manganese toxicity in soybean can be recognized by crinkled leaves and finally cup down. Photo: Robert Lippert, Clemson University

Manganese toxicity has not been reported in Minnesota. Manganese toxicity is likely to occur in acidic and poorly-drained soils that can be recognized by interveinal chlorosis with leaf-cupping and darkening of leaf veins of older leaves.

Necrosis may occur if toxicity is severe. In soybean, leaves become crinkled and cup down (Figure MN-4). Corn is tolerant to Mn toxicity. In potatoes, lower leaves died in severe Mn toxicity.

The following crops are susceptible to Mn toxicity: alfalfa, cabbage, cauliflower, dry edible beans, onions, potatoes, small grains and sugar beets. A high Mn concentration may induce Fe deficiency in plants. 


Manganese is not recommended by the University of Minnesota for any crop grown in Minnesota, except for vegetable crops grown on organic soils.

Trials conducted with crops previously did not show any response to Mn fertilization. Mineral soils in Minnesota are likely to provide adequate amount of Mn for crops.

If there is any evidence of Mn deficiency, farmers and crop advisors are encouraged to confirm by conducting soil and tissue tests and report to the University of Minnesota nutrient management team.

Authors: Daniel E. Kaiser and Carl J. Rosen, Extension nutrient management specialists, and Apurba K. Sutradhar, research associate

Reviewed in 2023

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