Quick facts
Narrow-leaf cattail is an unlisted non-native species. These species have no restrictions on sale, purchase, or possession, but they may not be introduced into a free-living state without MN DNR approval and thorough evaluation.
Narrow-leaf cattails are found in disturbed native wetland communities.
They can develop large monocultures, outcompete native vegetation and will crossbreed with native, broad-leaf cattail.
- Narrow-leaf cattails should be reported.
See the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources recommendations for reporting invasive species.
How to identify narrow-leaf cattails
- Narrow-leaf cattails (Typha angustifolia) is a perennial.
- Can reach heights of four to twelve feet.
- Brown cylindrical flowering heads on slender green stocks.
Easily confused with native broad-leaf cattails (Typha latifolia).
Dark green, sword-like leaves.
Typically between one fourth to one half inches wide.
Originate from the base of horizontal stems.
Velvety brown, cigar-shaped spikes.
two to six inches long.
Gap between the lower (female) and upper (male) flower of one inch or more.
Sheds pollen in single grains.
Stored within the spike, each plant can produce and disperse up to 250,000 seeds.
Seeds are wind-dispersed and can remain viable for 50–100 years.
Can reproduce vegetatively through rhizomes.
Rhizomes in cattail colonies can become intertwined and form thick mats.
Reviewed in 2019