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Chinese mystery snail

Quick facts

Chinese mystery snail is a regulated invasive speciesRegulated Invasive Species (MN DNR) are legal to buy, sell, transport, and possess, but may not be introduced into a free-living state, such as released into public waters.

  • Chinese mystery snail populations can reach large numbers, which may foul beaches and shore land during die-offs.
  • They can carry parasites that impact native mussels.

Chinese mystery snails should be reported. Learn how to report invasive species in Minnesota. 

Chinese mystery snail

How to identify Chinese mystery snails

  • Chinese mystery snails (Cipangopaludina chinensis) are an invasive species.
  • Large, smooth, tan to brown shell that can grow 2 inches long.
  • Shell lacks banding and can have 6–7 whorls.
  • Snails have an operculum (structure that functions much like a lid or “trapdoor”) with distinct growth rings.
  • An operculum is not likely to be present in dead specimens.
Chinese mystery snail
Chinese mystery snail growth rings

Life cycle

  • Females tend to live up to 5 years while males live 3–4 years.
  • Female snails will give birth to live, crawling young from June to October.

Authors: Angela Gupta, Amy Rager and Megan M. Weber, Extension educators 

Reviewed in 2019

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