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Asian longhorned beetle

Quick facts

Asian longhorned beetle is an invasive species. 

  • Asian longhorned beetles prefer hardwood trees, such as maple, ash and birch.
  • Adults and larvae feed on living host trees.
  • The tree’s structural strength is impaired by the tunneling.
  • Larvae can girdle and kill trees.

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture monitors this invasive species. Please report any Asian longhorned beetles you spot at Report a Pest.

How to identify Asian longhorned beetles

  • Asian longhorned beetles (Anoplophora glabripennis) adult beetles have long black and white banded antennae and a black body with irregular white blotches.
  • They can be 1 to 1-1/2 inches long.
  • Larvae are off-white with a brown head and can grow to 2 inches long.

Life cycle

Asian longhorned beetle larva
  • Females chew oval grooves in the bark of host trees where they lay rice-size eggs.
  • They can lay 25 to 40 eggs during the length of their adult lives.
  • They begin to feed on the cambium layer, burrowing deeper into the tree during winter months.
  • Adults make their way out by carving a large, pencil-size hole that is perfectly round.

Angela Gupta, Amy Rager and Megan M. Weber, Extension educators

Reviewed in 2019

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