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University of Minnesota Extension

Horse pastures and facilities

  • What plants are poisonous to horses?

  • How do you know when a pasture is ready to be grazed?

  • What do you need to know about pasture sampling?

Find research-based answers on pasture and facilities management best practices.


Preparing for disaster - Be prepared. Have a first aid kit, evacuation plan and other essentials ready in the event of severe weather, fire or other emergencies.

Black walnut: a toxic horse bedding - Don’t use black walnut shavings for horse bedding. Toxicity signs include stocking up, warm hooves, founder and colic.

Ventilation systems for horse barns - Horse barns need air exchange to remove moisture, prevent condensation and provide fresh air.

Is my barn eco-friendly? - How can you minimize impacts on the environment? Learn tips for water, erosion control and more.


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