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Martin County Farm Family

Dean and Cindy Sinn

Dean and Cindy both grew up in farming families near Trimont. Dean‘s parents were Ervin and Vivian Sinn and Cindy’s were Bob and Katy Olson. After college and their marriage, Dean began farming with his brother Jim. Six years later, the Sinns purchased a farm site in Elm Creek Township where they raised their three children, Jeff, Ryan and Kelly. 

Currently, Dean and Cindy farm with their son Ryan and nephew Cory. They raise corn and soybeans and have a custom grower hog operation. Ryan is involved year-round with the farm. Son Jeff and some of the grandchildren help with the harvest. All of the Sinns’ seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren have been or will be involved in rock picking.

Dean was a member of the Farm Service Agency County Committee for 13 years. He also served on the Skelly Co-op board. He is a member of the Trimont American Legion. Cindy was a preschool and kindergarten teacher for 33 years. She still can’t drive a tractor or backup wagon.

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