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Designing and using native seed mixes

Event information


Add to Calendar 2024-09-16 01:00:00 2024-10-27 01:00:00 Designing and using native seed mixes Many ecological restoration projects rely on revegetation from seed. This course discusses steps for effectively designing and using a seed mix, from choosing appropriate species to preparing the planting site.TopicsEvaluate whether there are seed sources on-site or in the landscape that could contribute to revegetation.Design seed mixes so that restored vegetation supports ecosystem functions and project goals.Obtain adequate supplies of seed and handle it so it stays viable.Prepare a site to be sowed.Install native seed.Manage sites following sowing to promote native plant establishment.This course is part of a certificate program.It is strongly recommended, but not required, that students complete the Site Assessment for Ecological Restoration course before taking the other courses in the series, as the Site Assessment course lays the groundwork for the subsequent courses.Find out more about the Ecological Restoration series America/Chicago public


Online course


Julia Bohnen, bohne001@umn.edu

Many ecological restoration projects rely on revegetation from seed. This course discusses steps for effectively designing and using a seed mix, from choosing appropriate species to preparing the planting site.


  • Evaluate whether there are seed sources on-site or in the landscape that could contribute to revegetation.
  • Design seed mixes so that restored vegetation supports ecosystem functions and project goals.
  • Obtain adequate supplies of seed and handle it so it stays viable.
  • Prepare a site to be sowed.
  • Install native seed.
  • Manage sites following sowing to promote native plant establishment.

This course is part of a certificate program.

It is strongly recommended, but not required, that students complete the Site Assessment for Ecological Restoration course before taking the other courses in the series, as the Site Assessment course lays the groundwork for the subsequent courses.

Find out more about the Ecological Restoration series




You will receive instructions for accessing the course following registration.

Cancellations prior to the course opening will be fully refunded. Registration fees may be transferred to the next offering of the course upon instructor approval. No refunds or fee transfers will be granted once a student has accessed or begun the course.

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