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University of Minnesota Extension

Extension at the University of Minnesota

Farmstead in spring with just plowed field in foreground.

The 2024 families honored cover a wide spectrum of farming, from traditional crops and livestock to community-based ventures and operations producing a wide range of fruit, vegetables and flowers. They were chosen based on their demonstrated commitment to enhancing and supporting agriculture.

Minnesota 4-H State Ambassadors wearing official green blazers while standing behind a University of Minnesota podium.

The newly selected Minnesota 4-H State Ambassador team consists of 30 youth from across the state who will serve as youth leaders and spokespeople for Minnesota 4-H.

Red pine stand with white pine seedlings growing underneath it.

Tree species at the southern edge of their current range will face increasing climate stress, and hardwoods not currently seen in Minnesota may slowly take their place.

Soybean plants in a field.

Preparing for lower agricultural margins requires strategic planning and proactive measures to ensure the sustainability and profitability of agricultural operations.

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