Research proves that setting goals leads to changing and maintaining healthy behaviors. While everyone is different, following these steps will help you determine what will work for you.
Set a long-term goal: What, exactly, is your desired end-state? Aim high for best results.
Determine your motivation: Do you want to change or are you changing for someone else? It’s far more effective to change for yourself rather than for someone else.
Commit: Meet the challenge head-on. Analyze and confront what is standing in the way of meeting your goals — both internally and externally.
Self-assessment: Be honest when you look at yourself. Do you have the knowledge and resources to reach your goal? If not, who can help you?
Create short-term goals: List small, attainable steps toward your long-term goal so you experience success along the way.
Feedback: How will you know you’ve achieved your own short-term and long-term goals? Can you chart your own progress or do you need a buddy for accountability and to acknowledge your progress?
Reward yourself: How will you reward yourself for achieving your goals? Ask for outside recognition if that will help.
Anticipate setbacks: Plan for interruptions or setbacks along the way to your goal and plan for how you’ll get back on track. How will you reward yourself for overcoming these setbacks?
Remember, it takes several months to form a new habit and you will experience setbacks along the way. Set your sights on the long-term and be ready to ride out the low points and celebrate the high points along the way.
Goals exercise and worksheet attachment
You may consider the following questions in your own mind, write your goals in a journal or download and print this worksheet.
Reviewed in 2023