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4-H clover Meet Peyton Winters - Cottonwood County Summer Intern

Place of residence: Windom, MN

Why did you want to be the Cottonwood County 4-H summer intern? “I’ve always been involved in 4-H and enjoyed helping and getting to know younger kids. As a summer intern, I will be helping with events and getting to know 4-H members of all ages. This summer, I’m excited to help with events and organize events for members! Being an intern is also a great way to gain experience and learn new skills for the future.

What will you be working on as the Cottonwood County 4-H summer intern? “This summer I will be helping Crystal and Teresa with planning, different activities, and paperwork, as well as organizing a showmanship clinic.”

Involvement with 4-H: Peyton has been a member of the Loyal Lakers/Carson Climbers 4-H club for nine years. Her main activity in 4-H has been showing pigs, but she also does general projects every year. She says showing pigs has changed her life and taught her many life skills and she has met so many people through showing. She enjoys getting to participate in the Round Robin show at the county fair where she loves the opportunity to show all the different species. Along with showing at the county fair, she also goes to the Minnesota State Fair. “It may be a restless two weeks, but it’s one of the best two weeks of the summer. I will forever be grateful for what the swine industry has given me.”

Why do you think people should be involved in 4-H? “I think a lot of people think you have to live on a farm and you have to have animals to be a 4-H member, but 4-H is so much more than that. In 4-H, you get so many opportunities to meet new people and get new experiences. I’ve gone all over the United States since joining 4-H and I’ve met some of my best friends. I think people should join 4-H for all the memories from county fairs, state fairs, meetings and many other things they are going to cherish forever. 4-H is just plain fun, we all know how to have a good time.”

Family: Travis, Cherie, Jacob & Amelia Winters

Major and future occupation plans: Peyton is currently enrolled at the University of South Dakota majoring in psychology. She plans to finish school and then go onto graduate school to become a psychologist. She also wants to stay involved with 4-H, whether that’s going to meetings with her family, planning some events or simply just attending the county fair to support all the 4-H members.

Anything else you’d like to include: “I would encourage everyone to give 4-H a try, you’ll have a good time!”

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