Are you looking for:
Information and tools about teen bullying to share with parents and caregivers?
Tips on preventing or stopping bullying behavior?
A lesson plan to teach parents and caregivers on the topic of bullying?
A lesson plan to adapt and teach teens about bullying?
If so, then the Bullying: A big problem with big consequences take and teach lesson is for you!
About this lesson
Bullying can be a big problem. It is a problem no matter if teens:
Exhibit bullying behavior themselves
Are victims of bullying
Witness bullying behavior around them
Bullying behavior doesn't only have big consequences for teens. It also affects their parents and the organizations that serve them.
This take-and-teach lesson can help you teach parents and other adult caregivers of teens on this topic. Download the lesson plan resources linked below to get started today.
The complete lesson will take up to 1 hour and 22 minutes to teach. The exact length will depend if you do the optional activity.
For more information on this lesson plan, please contact the author (612-624-3732; [email protected]).
Access the resources
Print download or print one copy of the following resources for yourself.
- Setting the stage for your workshop — Provides guidelines for facilitating workshops teaching on teens and bullying.
- Research overview for facilitators— Reviews recent research on the topic of bullying.
- Facilitator’s guide — Comprehensive guide that will help you facilitate the lesson.
- Presentation — Presentation that can be used in the delivery of the lesson.
- Presentation notes for facilitators — Facilitation handout that shows the corresponding slide notes for each presentation slide.
- Resources for facilitators — List of books and website resources for facilitators who may want additional background on bullying.
- Media resources for facilitators — List of media resources, including video clips and news articles, that help illustrate concepts presented in the lesson.
Print one copy of the following resources for each participant.
- Presentation for participants — Handout that shows the presentation slides, with space for participants to take notes if desired.
- Evaluation form — Collects participant feedback about a delivered lesson.
- Bullying: A big problem with big consequences — Gives parents and caregivers of teens background on the topic of bullying. Part of the Teen talk fact sheet series.
- Bullying experiences: An in-class discussion guide — Handout that facilitates a discussion about bullying behavior scenarios. Facilitators will also need a copy of this handout.
- Bullying Experiences: A discussion guide including teens — Adapted take-home guide for parents to discuss the same bullying behavior scenarios they talked about in class with their teens.
- Talking with kids about cyberbullying: An in-class role play guide — Handout that facilitates a role play and discussion about cyberbullying behavior scenarios. Facilitators will also need a copy of this handout.
- Steps for dealing with cyberbullying — Handout with practical tips for parents and caregivers of teens to prevent and stop cyberbullying.
- Resources for parents and teens — List of books and website resources for parents, caregivers, and teens who want more information on bullying.
- Video resources for parents and teens — List of online videos about bullying and sample questions parents can ask teens to spark discussion.