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University of Minnesota Extension

Extension news and highlights

Dean Bev Durgan.

Extension’s employees, participants, volunteers and friends all have been supportive as changes have been made, often on short notice, in response to COVID-19 and its associated issues. This edition of Source includes many stories about Extension’s impact in recent months.

Related topics: Source 2021 Featured news Fall
A movie theater at dusk with "Grease" on the display board.

University of Minnesota Extension’s retail trade analyses help communities shape their economic future. Communities such as Alexandria use the data to make smart choices for the future.

Small Northern MN waterfall

Mind Body Medicine is a training program that focuses on the connection between our mind and body as a way of better understanding ourselves and our health. Learn more from Extension’s Susan Beaulieu, Tribal community facilitator.

Related topics: Family Featured news

Permission is granted to news media to republish our news articles with credit to University of Minnesota Extension. Images also may be republished; please check for specific photographer credits or limited use restrictions in the photo title.

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