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University of Minnesota Extension

Vital Connections On Air

a woman wearing headphones
a small town gathering of residents
a man wearing headphones

Community-focused podcasts

Join us for Vital Connections On Air, a free podcast from University of Minnesota Extension Center for Community Vitality. We explore the trends and topics important to Minnesota communities and their leaders.

You'll hear about research from the University of Minnesota and Extension, as well as inspiring stories from local communities and organizations.

Podcast episodes

Episode 09: The child care challenge for Minnesota's workforce

Minnesota is experiencing a child care crisis that directly affects workers and employers. Listen as Marnie Werner shares insight from the Center for Rural Policy and Development's research.

Episode 08: Manufacturing in Minnesota

Workforce issues have tripled in importance, based on results from Enterprise Minnesota's 2017 State of Manufacturing survey. Listen as we talk about workforce challenges in manufacturing.

Episode 07: Make it Litchfield update

Judy and Dave are back to give us an update on Make it Litchfield. The study circles finished their work, and they held a community meeting where residents discussed issues that are important to them. Hear them talk about their progress.

Episode 06: Minnesota's workforce

There are challenges with Minnesota's workforce. We hear about baby boomers retiring, fewer workers, immigrants and the proximity of jobs to job seekers. Listen as we discuss the challenges, opportunities and ingenuity within Minnesota.

Episode 05: Minnesota's economy 101

Will Minnesota's economy continue to grow? Listen as we talk about the state's economy and workforce challenges facing employers and communities.

Episode 04: ReGen

Are social roots keeping people in Northeast Minnesota? Listen to members of ReGen talk about the importance of community connections and share how they became the people they'd been in other communities as Iron Rangers.

Episode 03: The leadership gap

Many Minnesota communities are experiencing a leadership shortage. Hear about why this is happening and what communities can do to better engage newcomers to help fill leadership roles.

Episode 02: Make it Litchfield

Communities have the power to tell their own story. Litchfield, Minnesota has been working to create a narrative that is optimistic and focused on the future.

Episode 01: It's not your grandpa's rural

We often hear that small, rural communities are disappearing. Ben Winchester, senior research fellow for U of M Extension's Center for Community Vitality, joins us to talk about what is actually happening.

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