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University of Minnesota Extension

Creating positive customer experiences

Male worker serving wine to a group of men
Workers giving cookies to kids
A diverse worker handing food to a diverse customer

Creating positive customer experiences means not only offering things to do and see, and places to stay, dine and shop – it also is about creating lasting memories.  Great customer service is part of this experience.  As visitors move throughout your community, every business and personal encounter can make a difference.

Today's customers have high expectations, are aware of their choices and are increasingly diverse. They come from not only Minnesota, but also from across the United States and even the world.  These visitors expect to be served well by businesses and communities who understand their needs.

Benefits of quality customer service

  • In a connected world, great service generates positive word-of-mouth 
  • Great tourism experiences reflect positively on your community
  • Great service enhances the quality of life for locals
  • Visitors and residents benefit from a more pleasant service experience

That’s why we developed At Your Service to build the skills and knowledge needed to create positive experiences. At Your Service can help whether you are a business or a community organization. 

At Your Service is carefully researched, crafted to meet different learning styles, and designed to provide skills and knowledge to help participants deliver quality service. 

The program is offered in three ways

Learn more 

"After the training program was offered to employees in our community, I observed them doing a better job of customer service and they were also more aware of the customer and the customer's needs. I think that this speaks to the effectiveness of the At Your Service program."

- Mary Turner, Women's Business Center

Tips from professionals

Watch videos from customer service professionals providing tips on listening, attitude and community.

Customer service and community

Customer service and attitude

Customer service and listening

Page survey

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