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University of Minnesota Extension

Youth tractor and farm safety training

Youth tractor and farm safety training teaches youth 14 years and older about safe equipment operation and general farm safety. Students who participate in the program will:

  • Work hands-on with full-sized tractors and implements.
  • Receive training in farm safety topics including grain bin safety, ag chemical safety, and livestock safety, among others.
  • Learn about common farm hazards and how to minimize their risks.

This program is offered each summer at multiple training locations across the state. The cost of the training is $40 per student.

Students who complete the program are eligible to receive a U.S. Department of Labor certificate of training. This certificate is required for 14- and 15-year-olds who wish to work on farms as employees.

Online and in-person training

Training includes an online course on the National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Program learning objectives and two days of in-person training that includes tractor operation instruction in a safe learning environment.

The online course takes 8 to 10 hours to complete and can be done at your own pace. After completing the online course, you attend a two-day in-person training with hands-on instruction.

Once you have registered for the in-person location of your choice, we'll send you access to the online course.

Training overview and testimonials

Thank you to Penn State Extension

U of M Extension is using the curriculum from the National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Program run by Penn State Extension. View more information about the curriculum.


For tractor safety info and upcoming training dates, contact Emily Krekelberg at 612-756-3977 or krek0033@umn.edu.

Thinking of hiring a teenager on your farm or agribusiness? Find out more about why this training is important — and required.

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