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University of Minnesota Extension

It is as I am

Two for You — take two minutes to live and lead with intention

Episode 3.7

You give up control and responsibility of a situation when you blame it on circumstance. Instead, lead by acknowledging and embracing your place in it.


Note: Two for You written transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. Please check the corresponding audio before referencing content in print.

[Denise] Hello and welcome to Two for You. Do you find yourself muttering, "It is what it is" when you're in a difficult situation or a challenging situation? Well the fact of the matter is, it isn't "what it is." "It is as you are."

[Lori] Yeah, so when you're in a challenging situation we encourage you to think about the beliefs that are happening in your head, the thoughts that are happening back there, so that it's not, "It is what it is," but instead, it's about, "It is what I am." So, how can I act, what can I do to change the situation. How can I bring my best self to the challenge.

[Denise] So kick that phrase, "It is what it is" out of your head and instead focus on yourself. Think, "It is as I am" as you live and lead with intention.

Authors: Lori Rothstein and Denise Stromme, former Extension educators

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