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Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset

Two for You — take two minutes to live and lead with intention

Episode 3.6

Do you find yourself at times questioning your talents and intelligence, fearful that you don’t measure up? Then you may be giving in to a fixed mindset. In this episode, we discuss fixed and growth mindsets. Spoiler alert: a growth mindset aids in your resilience and is the more desirable of the two. Watch to learn more.



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[Lori] Hello and welcome to Two for You. In today's episode we're going to talk to you about mindset and growth mindset and fixed mindset from Carol Dweck.

[Denise] A fixed mindset is that mindset or that way of thinking that I can't change. You know, my talent, my intelligence, they're set. So what happens often when you have a fixed mindset is that when you go into a challenging situation you get anxious, right? You feel like you can't do it and you shut down.

[Lori] Right, whereas a growth mindset is more of an open mindset. An open way of thinking so that when you have an opportunity to do something you haven't done in the past or you're entering into a challenging situation or maybe in a situation where you're going to be receiving some feedback, that you approach it in a way of thinking, you know what, this is an opportunity for me to evolve, to grow and to learn.

[Denise] Right, so a fixed mindset, think of it more as you find yourself validating yourself, you know. You're trying to prove yourself. In a growth mindset, you're saying, I'm gonna stretch myself. I'm gonna learn more. I am going to improve.

[Lori] Yeah you're probably asking yourself some questions, you know, how can I do this better? What can I change? What do other people see? What are my assumptions in some of this? So Carol Dweck has a really great tool that we love.

[Denise] It's simply using the word "yet". Add it to the end of the sentence that you're telling yourself, right, because these are thoughts that you're having all the time. So when you say, oh my gosh, I can't do public speaking ... yet. Or, I don't think I can lead that group of 40 people in their community visioning...yet.

[Lori]I am NOT ready to run for public office ... yet. But by adding the word "yet," you're keeping your mind on that path of development and improvement. It'll help with your resilience and your day-to-day anxiety. It's a really good thing. So this month, we challenge you to use the word "yet" in your thinking as you live and lead with intention. 

Authors: Lori Rothstein and Denise Stromme, former Extension educators

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