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Applying nitrogen with irrigation water: Chemigation

Quick facts

  • Before starting nitrogen chemigation, farm managers who irrigate need to consider : 
    • Irrigation systems
    • Safety devices
    • Calibrations
  • A chemigation user permit from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is required and safety devices must be installed to apply N.

Why use nitrogen chemigation?

Applying a portion of a crop’s nitrogen (N) requirement with irrigation water is a recognized best management practice to reduce nitrate leaching losses for some crops grown on coarse-textured soils.

This practice is called nitrogen chemigation but is more commonly referred to as fertigation. It’s been widely used by irrigating farmers for several years.

Research in Minnesota and neighboring states has shown that splitting N applications on high N use irrigated crops such as corn, sweet corn and potatoes grown on sandy soils generally benefits crop yield, N use efficiency and the environment.

Minnesota's N management plan, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) and others, also encourages using this practice for some irrigated crops grown on sandy soils.

Advantages and benefits

  • Provides the farm manager with an option to apply additional N to a rapidly growing crop needing extra nitrogen.
  • Reduces the environmental risk associated with having a large portion of a crop's fertilizer N supply available for potential leaching into the groundwater by major rains.
  • Increases the crop’s N use efficiency in most growing seasons.
  • May reduce the total N application, especially in growing seasons without excessive spring rains.

Disadvantages and risks

  • Uniformity of N application depends on the water uniformity from the irrigation system.
  • Extra investment must be made for the chemigation system and safety equipment.
  • Liquid N sources for injection are commonly more expensive than other forms.
  • The farm manager/operator must take time to learn about chemigation safety devices, calibration and management practices.
  • Potential risk for all or a portion of the N supply to flow back into the irrigation water source (ground or surface) if two or more of the required safety devices malfunction while chemigating.
  • Requires maintaining a chemigation user permit with the MDA.

Irrigation systems

Apply nitrogen with irrigation water only with systems that can uniformly apply water over the entire field and at an application rate that doesn’t exceed the soil’s infiltration rate. Distributing injected N through an irrigation system is no better than the same system’s distribution of water.

An irrigation system that causes water movement down the plant rows is exceeding the soil intake rate and will not provide adequate N distribution. This situation may cause some N to either leach into the groundwater in areas with water ponds or move into surface water by runoff.


Nitrogen application guidance



Chemigation calibration is very important to assure the desired amount of N is uniformly distributed over the irrigated field. It’s also very helpful in determining the best injection meter and supply tank size for the given irrigation system.

Several factors are involved in calibrating an injection meter (e.g., positive displacement pump or venturi) for a moving irrigation system like a center pivot. These factors are:

  • Acres covered by the irrigation system.
  • Hours for the irrigation system to cover the acres.
  • Gallons of nitrogen solution required per acre.

Management tips

For safe, accurate N chemigation, follow these steps each time you apply N:

  1. Check travel time of the irrigation system at the desired water application depth and recalculate the chemical injection rate for the planned amount of nitrogen.

  2. Inspect performance of the check valves, low-pressure drain, low-pressure shutdown switch and all fittings on the chemical supply and discharge hose. Repair all malfunctioning parts before initiating the next chemigation.

  3. Recheck the N injection rate after starting the chemigation process, and adjust if not equal to the planned application.

  4. Periodically revisit the irrigation system and recheck the operation of the injection meter, system operating pressure and water distribution of the irrigation system, including the end gun operation on center pivots.

  5. At the end of each N application, continue running water through the irrigation system until all N has been discharged from the irrigation system’s pipeline. This may take 10 to 15 minutes. Also run clean water through the injection meter, chemical discharge hose and check valve. If you're not planning to use the chemigation system again during the growing season, remove any leftover N from the supply tank or relocate the tank at least 150 feet from any water source (unless it’s in the required containment unit).

  6. If an accident occurs, take action to keep the potential spill to a minimum and immediately report the incident to the MDA at 1-800-422-0798.

Author: Carl Rosen, Extension specialist in nutrient management

Reviewed in 2024

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