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How to counter overindulgence in parenting

Understanding overindulgence

Overindulgence is giving your child too much of anything — money, space, time, energy, or attention — that can delay their development. Parents and caregivers overindulge children from a “good heart,” but it doesn't help children or families in the long run. Learn about overindulgence and learn some practical and easy parenting tools that you can use.

Parent and kid in grocery store

Parenting in the Age of Overindulgence online course

Take this free online course to help you learn how to identify if something is "too much" and get strategies to avoid overindulgence. Professionals can access free take and teach modules that coincide with this course to use with parents and caregivers!

Dad and son hold a fishing net in shallow creek.

Parenting with a Good Heart online course

Check out this free online course designed to give you parenting tools you can use right away.

Parents kissing baby laying down in bed.

Good Heart Parenting: A Journey of Love and Strength

The 44-page research based book, Good Heart Parenting: A Journey of Love and Strength, describes two families who highlight the need for both parental love and parental strength in order to deal with messages everywhere to overindulge.

Mother and father holding a baby showing her blocks.

Developmental Parenting Highway online course

Overindulgence comes from a good heart, but it can lead to unwanted, less-than-good outcomes. Take this free course in the Overindulgence series.

A father and kids going fishing

Overindulgence: The test of four

Learn about the Test of Four tool, which helps you and the children in your care learn what is enough.

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