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University of Minnesota Extension

4-H clover Become a Waseca County 4-H Ambassador

Calling all youth in grades 6 and up for the Waseca County 4-H Ambassadors! 

Are you eager to make change in your community alongside your peers? Do you love paying it forward? Would you like to be a role model for younger kids? If so, you'd be a great addition to the Waseca County 4-H Ambassador team.

Who is this group for?

Waseca County youth in grades 6 and up (2024-2025 school year). No prior 4-H experience required.

What is it?

Waseca County 4-H Ambassadors is a fun, engaging group of teen leaders who represent and advocate for positive youth learning experiences and opportunities through the 4-H youth development program. You are essentially our program's steering committee.

Where and when do we meet?

Our meetings are held monthly between October 2024 and May 2025 - typically in person, but we do have some meetings online. We provide a good mix of planning meetings, outreach events and fun recreational activities. We work hard and play hard, too! 

We also will participate in Ambassadors Connecting With Ambassadors (ACWA) gatherings with county 4-H ambassadors from neighboring counties.

As a Waseca County 4-H Ambassador, you will

  • Attend monthly meetings.
  • Make new friends.
  • Set individual and group goals.
  • Decide on the focus areas of our group and county program, such as public speaking, member involvement, community service, etc.
  • Lead activities at various 4-H events for younger youth.
  • Gain leadership skills. 

Why should I join?

  • Be a part of something bigger. Our program reaches over 300 youth each year. You have an opportunity to help us decide not only what programs we do but also serve as a peer mentor and role model to younger youth.
  • Harness your strengths. We'll take your leadership skills to the next level.
  • Participating in this group is a great addition to your resume, job or college applications, and scholarship opportunities.
  • Meet new people and make friends.

When should I sign up?

Please sign up by Oct. 7. We'll start meeting in October 2024.

How do I sign up? 

Complete the online form to sign up. You can also give Amy Nelson, Extension educator, a shout at dobbe007@umn.edu

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