This week's youth spotlight is Annabelle S.! She is a 7th grader and has been in 4-H for four years. She is a member of the Wild River Pioneers club, where she serves as the club's vice president. Annabelle participates in the dairy, poultry, foods and nutrition, horticulture, food preservation and needle arts projects.
Annabelle's favorite 4-H event is B-BOP. "I like to meet new people, learn more about my animals, and question myself to see if I want to show other animals," she said. Annabelle's favorite 4-H memory was walking into the dairy ring for the first time last year.
We asked Annabelle how 4-H has made an impact on her. She says it has given her a greater love for animals and learning. We also asked her how volunteers have made an impact on her. "They have encouraged me to keep going with 4-H each year and made me want to get more involved," she responded.
Our final question for Annabelle was the advice she would give to those considering joining 4-H. Her thoughts here this, "I would say sign up. Everyone is so kind and helpful. It is a great way to learn, meet new people, and have lots of fun."