We are so excited that you are considering 4-H as an option for your family! 4-H is the nation’s largest youth development program and is a terrific place for youth of all ages to gain life and leadership skills.
Existing families - enrollment information for the new year.
New families
Complete this form to request an engaging activity kit to be mailed to each of the prospective 4-H’ers in your household.
Who is 4-H for?
4-H welcomes all boys and girls, no matter where they live. Youth can join 4-H when they are in kindergarten and continue to one year past high school. Younger kids, kindergarten through second grade, are part of the Cloverbud program. Cloverbud activities promote creativity and discovery without emphasis on competition. Many activities and events are planned so the entire family can participate.
Why join 4-H?
Exciting things are happening in 4-H today. 4-H lets kids try new skills and express themselves through fun hands-on activities. Working on projects helps connect kids with their friends, families, communities, and the world. 4-H helps kids gain confidence and develop life skills that will help them be successful. 4-H is inclusive and adaptive to your family's unique needs.
What is 4-H?
- 4-H offers opportunities to experience hands-on learning in a variety of project areas! Some of Anoka County’s most popular project areas are Creative Arts, Food and Nutrition, Shooting Sports and Wildlife, and Photography. You do not have to have an animal to participate in 4-H! For information on what types of 4-H projects you can explore check out the Anoka County 4-H Premium Book that is used each summer to register to exhibit at the County Fair.
- Youth can join a 4-H club in their community. Clubs usually meet monthly for fun, hands-on learning, group activities, and community service. With your club, you can participate in a variety of county-wide 4-H events.
- There are also special interest clubs (for example, horse, clubs who meet during the day for homeschool families) and school based Youth Teaching Youth programs.
- 4-H’ers participate in their communities through community service activities and volunteering.
- Teens grades 6 and older have leadership opportunities within their club and/or the county.
- 4-H is family-focused! Parents/guardians and the entire family are encouraged to participate.
- Adults are needed as volunteers and active volunteers tell us they have learned as much as their children! In addition, many good friendships are made through their involvement in 4-H.
View these great videos to learn more:
Anoka County has a number of community clubs that meet all over the county. When you start 4-H, your family will select a club to join or also have the option of starting a brand new club. Families can join as an “independent member” which means you are not attached to a particular club but can access all other 4-H programs. In addition, there are the many opportunities on the county and state levels as well that are available.
Are you starting your own club?
Anyone can start a club! Prior 4-H experience is not necessary. If you have three families total and are interested in starting a brand new club, contact the 4-H office and the Local Extension Educator will set up and orientation meeting with you.
Are you interested in joining an existing club?
Anoka County has a number of community clubs that meet all over the county. Contact the club leaders for the 4-H clubs you might be interested in joining. Clubs may be gathering in-person, virtually or a combination of both.
How do I choose?
Typically clubs meet in person on a monthly basis.
- Most people look for a club that is close to your home or meets at a convenient date or time for your family. The majority of clubs don’t have a specific project focus.
- Shop around! You can engage with as many clubs as you like before you choose one. Visit as many clubs as you like until you find the right fit.
- When you have chosen a club it's time to sign up! (You can enroll before you settle on a club. If that is the case, choose “Undecided” when you enroll and switch your club name later in our system.)
Are you interested in joining as an independent member?
You can join as an “independent member”. This means you are not attached to a particular club but can access all other 4-H programs on the county, state and national levels. We do recommend that families join a club as it provides a place where you can connect with other families and build relationships. However, independent members can still have a great experience in the program as well. You can start as independent but join a club at any time if you wish.
View this great video to learn more:
Select your projects:
- The foundation of 4-H is project learning.
- In 4-H, youth design and participate in their own education and activities, from creating a family tree to wiring a lamp or creating an art piece. This learn-by-doing model teaches kids essential skills needed to succeed in life, such as problem-solving, decision-making, coping, communicating and responding to the needs of others. We call this LIFE SKILLS!
- Members can choose what projects they want to learn about and what events and activities they want to attend.
- Choosing one or two projects is a great way to begin in 4-H.
- Use the Project Selection Guide to learn more about 4-H projects.
When you sign up for a project online:
- It means that this is an area you are interested in learning about. You will be sent direct emails regarding any upcoming learning experiences on the county and state level that applies to that project.
- If you are interested in exploring the project more, youth will decide what it is that you want to explore and create some goals that will help you achieve your desired project result.
- Project learning can result in a project that you can exhibit at the county fair or other 4-H event throughout the year. However, you are not required to exhibit a project just because you signed up for it.
- For the most part, project learning is self-directed. If there are no county or state level offerings available to you, connect with a local resource or mentor to help you achieve your goals.
View this great video to learn more:
We are so excited that you are ready to join 4-H! Be sure you have read through the club and project sections as you will need to select these when you complete your enrollment. You can make changes to your selections anytime.
- Before your first event or county activity you must sign up for 4-H at 4-H Online 2.0. Enrollment starts in the fall but members can join anytime during the year.
- You will have access to 4-H Online with the username and password you create and you can go in and change your information at any time.
View this great video to learn more:
Contact your club leader
After enrolling, be sure to reach out to the leader for the club you have chosen and let them know you have joined and want to be added to their email list and find out about their next meeting.
Membership dues
There is not an option to pay your dues through 4-HOnline. See the dues tab for information on completing this step.
Recommended dues are $30 per youth member each year. Membership dues support the operation of the 4-H program. Families are asked to fill out the online dues form. Dues can be paid directly to the 4-H office by cash, check or credit card.
Dues must be paid within 30 days of enrolling in 4-H or before participating in a county event (whichever comes first) to be considered an approved 4-H member. This completes your enrollment process.
If the fee presents a challenge, check out the dues form for how to proceed. Due's scholarships are available. Requests for scholarship coverage for your dues can be completed directly on the form and does not require prior 4-H Office approval.
To pay by credit card, use this payment link. Credit card payment link.
Mail payment to:
Anoka County 4-H
Bunker Hills Activities Center
550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW
Andover, MN 55304
Payments can also be dropped off at the Anoka County Extension office or left in the secure drop box next to our office door.
Tips to get the most out of your 4-H experience.
- Take part in 4-H club meetings.
- The more a youth is involved in 4-H, the more they get from the experience. As they get older, they can expand their experience by volunteering to help or sharing their knowledge and skills.
- Keep checking back to our website frequently for the most current program offerings. Descriptions, dates, and times will help you choose how you can be involved in county and state 4-H events and activities.
- Ask questions! Please contact your club leader or our office with any questions.
Learn more from Minnesota 4-H
Check out the MN 4-H Website for general information on 4-H, project resources and education, and statewide opportunities offered to all 4-H'ers. Explore the over 60 project areas available in 4-H and what programs are available to 4-H'ers. Check out the MN 4-H at Home section of the website for programs offered with innovative learning models statewide!
Current families
Starting September 15, 4-H youth members will need to re-enroll in 4-HOnline and update information (addresses, schools, clubs, projects, health information, etc.). You will also be reminded of the code of conduct and other authorizations.
If you need help in completing this, you may contact Kim at 763-324-3499 and she will review the information with you and complete the enrollment.
Re-Enrolling Adult Volunteers: Rather than having to re-enroll every single year, your enrollment as a 4-H volunteer will extend for a full three years. If your 3-year term is up, you will be contacted by the Regional 4-H office that you need to complete the Safety of Minors training and complete your re-enrollment in 4-H Online.
A three-year enrollment does not commit you to volunteering for three years, and you will still work with staff to determine your volunteer roles. However, we want to make it easier for you to get to your important work with 4-H members. Thank you for all you do to empower youth with the skills they need to lead for lifetime!
Recommended dues are $30 per youth member each year. Membership dues support the operation of the 4-H program. Families are asked to fill out the online dues form. Dues can be paid directly to the 4-H office by cash, check or credit card.
Dues must be paid within 30 days of enrolling in 4-H or before participating in a county event (whichever comes first) to be considered an approved 4-H member. This completes your enrollment process.
If the fee presents a challenge, check out the dues form for how to proceed. Due's scholarships are available. Requests for scholarship coverage for your dues can be completed directly on the form and does not require prior 4-H Office approval.
To pay be credit card, use this payment link. Credit card payment link.
Mail payment to:
Anoka County 4-H
Bunker Hills Activities Center
550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW
Andover, MN 55304
Payments can also be dropped off at the Anoka County Extension office or left in the secure drop box next to our office door.
Anna Gilbertson, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
[email protected], 763-324-3497
Kim Ferguson, Administrative Assistant
[email protected], 763-324-3499
Natalie Peterson, Principal Office & Administrative Specialist
[email protected], 763-324-3496