In the 4-H shooting sports and wildlife (SS&W) program, you can learn important life skills through safe and educational experiences.
You'll explore firearms safety and the importance of conserving Minnesota's natural resources. Trained and certified 4-H leaders throughout Minnesota lead this program at the local level.
Dakota County 4-H offers different activities for many skill levels from newcomer to advanced.
- Archery: Grade 3 and up
- BB: Grade 3 and up
- Air Rifle: Grade 4 and up
- .22 Long Rifle: Grade 6 and up
- Muzzleloading: Grade 7 and up
- Shotgun: Grade 6 and up
- Wildlife/WHEP: Grade K and up
Cloverbuds (grade K-2) can only participate in Wildlife activities.
In order to participate youth must:
- Enroll in 4-H Online, choose Shooting Sports & Wildlife project area, and sign the required consents.
- Wear closed toe shoes in practice.
- Wear eye protection for all disciplines.
- Wear hearing protection for .22LR, Muzzleloading and Shotgun.
Dakota County 4-H has all equipment needed for youth to participate and try each discipline. Once a person starts attending consistently, it is wise to invest in personal eye and ear protection (best comfort, best shooting). Using personal equipment is fine, we just ask to be able to look it over before using it on the ranges.
4-H provides the first box of ammo for enrolled youth to try shotgun; if a youth continues with shotgun, that becomes a personal expense.
Those who have never shot with 4-H before will start on BB or Air Rifle, until coaches feel youth are comfortable with firearm safety and ready to move onto another discipline (and meet grade requirements).
Youth do not have to attend all meetings or practices, however, there are annual minimum hours required in discipline practice and an annual minimum of eight hours of wildlife education for participation in the MN 4-H State Shooting Sports Invitational held in Sept. Practice and wildlife hours need to be signed off by a certified SS&W instructor.
Members are encouraged to use the SPOND app to indicate attendance at SSW activities, so coaches can plan for the space. Five youth must RSVP in order to hold event/practice.
Shooting Sports & Wildlife winter activities:
Wildlife and WHEP (Wildlife Habitat Education Program) project meetings are typically held monthly at the Dakota County Extension and Conservation Center, 4100 220th Street West in Farmington. If the location changes, members will be notified in advance. Watch the weekly Friday Forecast newsletter and project member emails for dates/times.
Indoor archery practice at Blackhawk Middle School,1540 Deerwood Drive, Eagan
- 2:30-5 p.m.; Sundays: Jan. 26, Feb. 9 & 23, March 9 & 16, April 13 & 27
Indoor Air practice at Rosemount American Legion, 14590 Burma Ave W, Rosemount.
- 5:30-7:30 p.m. Dec. 9 & 18, Jan.8 & 22, Feb.5 & 17, March 5 & 17, April 9 & 23.
Shooting Sports & Wildlife spring/summer activities:
Outdoor practices are held at the Dakota County Gun Club, 17501 Station Trail in Rosemount and Hampton Sportsmen’s Club, 23300 Hampton Blvd in Hampton. Dates and times to be determined.
If practices cannot be held at stated facilities due to weather or conflicting schedules of facilities, SS&W families will be notified by their respective coaches.
Minnesota 4-H State Shoot Invitational: Sept. 6-8, 2025
Participants are required to have 15 hours of discipline instruction and shooting (including basic safety, range rules and etiquette, and scoring) in each event if this is the participant’s first year. If the youth has participated in a previous State Shoot, they are required to have 8 hours of discipline instruction in each event.
For air rifle, .22, air pistol, and BB Gun disciplines: 15 hours total training in one discipline and 8 hours in each related discipline. After the first year, 8 hours of training is required for each discipline. All hours must be completed within the 4-H project and documented by coaches.
Each year, youth must also complete 8 hours of Wildlife education, documented by coaches, each year.
The new and improved 4-H Shooting Sports & Wildlife Member Advancement Guide is a resource intended for advanced, in-depth learning and will help youth:
- Develop leadership and citizenship qualities.
- Practice safe and responsible use of firearms.
- Develop positive relationships with adults and family members.
- Develop an understanding of the principles of wildlife management.
- Develop self-discipline in skills, and learn sportsmanship and ethical behavior.
- Develop an appreciation for the history and tradition of shooting sports.
- Appreciate shooting sports as a lifetime recreation or career.
- Have positive experiences in the Shooting Sports & Wildlife project.
This resource is meant to be used over a period of several years within the SS&W Program. When you have completed the required number of activities for each step, you will qualify for an Advancement Certificate.
Upon completion of all 7 steps, you will be recognized at the Minnesota 4-H Shooting Sports & Wildlife Invitational and awarded a plaque.
Volunteer contact information:
SS&W Coordinator: Jill Heldebrant, [email protected]
Wildlife Coordinator: Cindy Ubelhor, [email protected]
WHEP Coordinator: Sara Peters, [email protected]
Questions can be directed to volunteer SS&W coordinator Jill Heldebrant: [email protected], or Local 4-H Extension educator Kris Vatter: [email protected]