Extension in McLeod County
Welcome to McLeod County
McLeod County partners with Extension to deliver even more practical education and research right in your county.
[email protected] or 320-484-4334
McLeod County Extension office
U of M Extension, McLeod County
[email protected]
McLeod County Fairgrounds
840 Century Ave SW
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Phone: 320-484-4334
Fax: 320-864-1811
Office hours
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
View all McLeod County contacts.
Karen Johnson, Extension educator, Livestock, Wright, McLeod, and Meeker Counties
[email protected] or 320-484-4303
Taylor Herbert, Extension educator, Crops, Wright, McLeod, and Meeker Counties
[email protected] Office number: 320-484-4334, Cell number: 612-394-5229
Emily Lindenfelser, Extension Educator, Horticulture, Wright, McLeod, and Meeker Counties
[email protected] Office number: 320-484-4334; Cell number: 612-394-6302
Miranda Kempner , Extension educator, 4-H Youth Development
[email protected] 320-484-4305
Lauran Johnson, Extension Support Staff
[email protected] 320-484-4334
Cindy Ludewig, Office Support Staff
[email protected] or 320-484-4334
McLeod County events
View all events hosted in and near McLeod County.
Extension courses and events
Extension provides in-person and online events all over Minnesota. Find one to attend.
McLeod County news
Read news from McLeod County.
Extension wide news
Read the latest news from all of Extension's programs.
Extension brings Minnesotans together to build a better future through University science-based knowledge, expertise and training. Learn more about Extension by visiting our about page and by browsing this website.
Interested in learning more about 4-H?
- Contact our 4-H staff to learn more, including how to get started in 4-H.
Ready to join or re-enroll?
In 4-H, all youth are welcome!
4-H is an out-of-school, hands-on learning program for youth in grades Kindergarten through one year past high school. Youth choose a project that’s interesting to them and explore it with peers and caring adults. 4-H clubs are groups of youth who want to learn together and meet in every part of Minnesota.
What can I do in 4-H?
The sky’s the limit! 4-H offers learning experiences in science, photography, arts, agriculture, healthy living, civic engagement and much more. We have one-day events, year-long projects and everything in between. There are many ways to try 4-H.
Follow us on social media @McLeodCounty4H
- Remind
- McLeod County 4-H
- Additional Groups
Check out what is happening in McLeod County 4-H
4-H events in McLeod County
Attend a 4-H event near you.
Statewide 4-H events
Find a 4-H event in Minnesota.
4-H news in McLeod County
Stay informed about all that is happening in McLeod County 4-H.
Statewide 4-H news
Learn more about what is happening in Minnesota 4-H.
4-H Youth Development is a hands-on learning program for Minnesota youth. We offer online, small group and independent learning experiences for youth of all ages. In 4-H, youth choose the topic they find interesting and caring adults support their learning and leadership. From agronomy to space exploration and creative arts to outdoor adventures, 4-H has just the right learning experience for young people.
There are many ways to participate in 4-H!
There are also many ways adults (anyone age 18+) can support youth learning and leading in 4-H.
Want to learn about volunteering with the 4-H Youth Development Program?
Visit the Volunteering with 4-H page to learn more about how volunteers positively impact youth and the community.
Contact your 4-H Extension Educator to learn about specific roles available in your community.
Ready to become a screened Minnesota 4-H volunteer?
Visit the Apply to become a 4-H volunteer page to begin the application and screening process.
4-H is the oldest and largest publicly funded youth development organization in the United States and is open to all youth in grades kindergarten through one year past high school. The 4-H program focuses on youth reaching their full potential through education, leadership and life skills. A few benefits of 4-H membership include:
- Learning by doing
- Developing leadership skills
- Making new friends
- Giving back to the community through volunteering
- Building connections with others
- Preparing, doing, sharing and reflecting
Below you will find some information that is intended to give you an idea of the resources that McLeod County 4-H offers, as well as an overview to the opportunities available to help make your experience with 4-H a great one. The 4-H program is so large and when you are new, it can seem overwhelming. Keep in mind that your experience with 4-H can be tailored to fit your goals, needs, wants, schedule and interests! You can get your whole family involved to grow and learn together.
If you have questions about anything along the way, feel free to stop in, call or email the McLeod County Extension Office. We are here to help you!
Who are the office staff? Miranda Kempner is the McLeod County 4-H Extension Educator and Lauran Johnson is the support staff for Extension, Parks and Fairgrounds. The Extension office is located in the Commercial Building on the McLeod County Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 am - 4:30 pm. The main phone number is: (320) 484-4334. Miranda's direct number is (320) 484-4305.
The 4-H staff sincerely welcome you to the 4-H program! Please remember that your 4-H experience will be whatever you choose to make it!
Videos below to learn more about 4-H:
- What is 4-H?
- What is a 4-H Project?
- What is a 4-H Club?
- What is a 4-H Cloverbud?
- McLeod County 4-H YouTube
Additional resources
This section will contain all important McLeod County 4-H updates for the county fair.
The 2024 McLeod County Fair will be a four day fair again this year! The dates are August 15- August 18.
Be sure to check regularly back for updates!
Important Dates:
- February 15: Market Beef & Dairy Steer ID deadline (in 4-H Online)
- May 15: Animal ID's deadline (in 4-H Online)
- June 1: FairEntry Registration opens
- July 15: FairEntry Registration deadline
- State Shoot, 4-H FairEntry registrations, Auction Bidder Signature Forms, and Horse Stalling Forms due
- August 1: Fashion Revue, Demonstrations and Performing Arts Judging, public Fashion Revue at 5:30 p.m. at Cross Point Church, Hutchinson
- August 13: General Projects Entry Day and Judging, Livestock Interviews
- August 14: Livestock Check-In
- August 15- August 18: McLeod County Fair
Registration for 4-H projects is now open! Register your 4-H fair projects through FairEntry. Deadline to register is July 15.
For assistance with county fair registration, you can use the FairEntry family registration guide or contact the Extension office.
Premium Book
The 2024 McLeod County 4-H Premium Book is now available! For a complete list of new updates for this year's 4-H Premium Book, be sure to check out the New This Year section of the premium book.
Livestock Auction
The objective of the 4-H Livestock Auction is to provide educational interaction between 4-H members (3rd grade and up) and the public that is consistent and the fair allowing buyers to support positive youth development. No animals will be sold during this auction, only the ribbon.
- Livestock Auction Information Sheet
- Potential Bidder Form (turned into the Extension office by July 15)
- Potential Bidder Brochure
- Livestock Auction Consignment Form (turn in at the fair by Saturday, August 17 at 11:00 a.m.)
Gifts support 4-H youth development in McLeod County, and local programming coordinated by the McLeod County 4-H Council.
Miranda Kempner, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
[email protected] 320-484-4305
Lauran Johnson, Extension support staff
[email protected] 320-484-4302
Follow us on social media
Agriculture events in McLeod County
Attend an agriculture-related event near you.
Statewide agriculture events
Agriculture conferences, in-person events and online courses are offered around the state and throughout the year.
Agriculture news in McLeod County
Find the latest on Extension agricultural research and news you can use on your farm from local experts.
Statewide news and blogs
- Agricultural Business Management News -Business and financial resources for farmers.
- Beef News - Beef industry featured events, farm safety and animal health.
- Dairy News - Dairy industry featured events, farm safety and animal health.
- Fruit and Vegetable News - Local production and marketing of fruit and vegetable crops in Minnesota.
- Minnesota Crop News - Emerging issues affecting Minnesota row crops and forages.
The Farm Family Recognition Program has existed for over 30 years and honors farm families from throughout Minnesota for their contributions to the agriculture industry and their local communities.
Each year, a family from McLeod County is recognized as the Farm Family of the Year.
We are currently seeking nominations for McLeod County, indicating the individuals, couples, or families whom you feel would be deserving of this honor.
Nomination Criteria
Please nominate an individual or family, using the criteria below. Farm Families should:
- Be Minnesota food producers actively involved in agricultural production with one or more agricultural enterprises. Beyond the usual agricultural endeavors, please also include these production areas for consideration: potato, vegetable, fruits, berries, aquaculture, agroforestry, and renewable energy supplies.
- Have made significant short‐term progress and/or innovative contributions with their agricultural enterprises. For example, consider producers who are relatively new to this country, someone who has developed an innovative method for a particular environmental problem, adopted a rotational grazing system, added alternative or value‐added crops, etc.
All nominees should also:
- Have demonstrated a commitment to enhancing and supporting the fields of agriculture and production.
- Have some involvement in their communities and/or related organizations.
- Not have been previously recognized by the Farm Family Program.
Congratulations to the 2024 Farm Family
Learn more about Lindeman Farms.
Farmland rent information
Farmland rental rates and information
Corn plot results - McLeod County
2024 McLeod County corn plot results
Additional resources
Taylor Herbert, Extension educator, Crops, Wright, McLeod, and Meeker Counties
[email protected] Office number: 612- 394-5229
Karen Johnson, Extension educator, Livestock, Wright, McLeod, and Meeker Counties
[email protected] or 320-484-4303
Follow us on social media
Gifts support local programming coordinated by McLeod County Master Gardener volunteers.
Gardening events in McLeod County
Find gardening learning opportunities online and near you.
Statewide gardening events
The Master Gardener core course and other online courses are offered throughout the year.
Gardening news in McLeod County
Find the latest gardening tips and news you can use in your own backyard from local experts.
Yard and Garden News
Gardening tips and emerging issues affecting Minnesota.
McLeod County yard and garden inquiries
Have a yard or garden related question? Contact us to find answers to your inquiries.
Become a Master Gardener volunteer
Master Naturalist volunteers work in your community
Do you have additional questions relating to canning, freezing, and preserving?
Contact the AnswerLine at 1-800-854-1678, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 noon and 1 - 4 p.m. or email them at [email protected]
Emily Lindenfelser, Extension educator, Horticulture, Wright, McLeod, and Meeker Counties
[email protected] Office number: 320-484-4334; Cell number: 612-394-6302
Health and nutrition
Extension offers a variety of educational programs about nutrition and health in McLeod county. These programs are open to families and individuals of all ages who are eligible for benefits through the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or who meet Extension’s program income guidelines.
Programs are offered in community settings such as food shelves, schools, community centers and public housing sites. The programs are free to all individuals and families who meet income guidelines, and may be offered in multiple languages, depending on the audience needs and availability of educators.
Health and nutrition events in McLeod County
Join us at our health and nutrition events.
Statewide health and nutrition events
Join Extension educators and community partners in upcoming events on health, wellbeing and nutrition.
Health and nutrition news in McLeod County
Stay up to date with our health and nutrition news.
Family News
Find information that help families make informed decisions leading to better health and well-being.
Use the Real Life, Good Food website to find recipes, cooking tips and physical activity ideas for a healthier life.
Do you still have additional questions?
Contact the AnswerLine for questions relating to:
- Safely cooking, canning, and freezing foods.
- Cleaning stains and mildew from homes and clothes.
- Dealing with floods and other household issues.
1-800-854-1678 or email them at [email protected]
Monday through Friday
9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 - 4 p.m.
Sustainable communities
Extension engages Minnesotans to strengthen the social, civic, economic and technological capacity of their communities. We help create vibrant communities and enhance skills and knowledge in economics, leadership and civic engagement, and tourism.
Check our community research page for reports on county and community-focused topics relating to local economics, retaining businesses, growing retail markets, developing tourism, and more.
Local programs can be offered in collaboration with local community organizations and government agencies. Current programs include:
Contact an educator in your area for consultation, guidance and conversation about your community.
Minnesota is a great place to explore, understand and conserve the natural landscape. Extension education, volunteer and participatory science programs encourage people to become stewards of Minnesota’s public and private lands.
Volunteer. Natural resources volunteers track invasive species, detect forest pests and count native bees, among many other activities. You can also study to become a Minnesota Master Naturalist.
Extension's Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships (RSDP) connect Greater Minnesota communities and University of Minnesota knowledge and resources to support local sustainability projects. Working in partnership, RSDP supports community-driven projects in four focus areas: agriculture and food systems, clean energy, natural resources and resilient communities. Projects are supported by boards made up of local community members and University faculty and staff. Learn more about RSDP’s recent work in McLeod county and neighboring communities, and how to submit a project idea.
Statewide community development events
Join us at an event in your community.
Statewide natural resources events
Find opportunities to learn about the natural environment, how to care for your forest lands, and how you and your family can get out and explore nature around the state and in your own backyard.
Community development news
Find information on community-focused news.
My Minnesota Woods
Find out how to take care of your trees and enjoy Minnesota's beautiful woodlands.
Natural Resources News
From preserving our wetlands to combating invasive species, read about protecting and enjoying nature.
RSDP Happenings
Learn more about community-driven sustainability projects happening across Minnesota.