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University of Minnesota Extension

4-H clover Amplifying Youth Voice

Event information



Central time


Virginia Government Service Center
201 S. 3rd Ave. W.
Virginia, MN 55792


Nicole Kudrle, University of Minnesota Extension educator

vande422@umn.edu or 218-404-6596

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As adults, we are supporting the growth of our youth into strong leaders. It is important for us to recognize where we are empowering youth to be leaders now, not just in the future. We are responsible for making space for their voice in all of our programs so they can learn, grow and flourish. 

During this training, we will reflect on our personal beliefs about youth voice and our behaviors in youth-adult partnerships. We will also learn about the essential ingredients in strengthening youth voice and youth-adult partnerships in our program.

Plan to attend this training with both youth and adult club members. 

At least one adult from each club needs to attend one of the following trainings: 
Oct. 7 at 6 p.m. via Zoom register at: https://umn.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkcuGqrDwoGd2PQUtCPSldnvDMIaKNEUb9#/registration

Oct. 9 at 5 p.m. at the St. Louis County Depot in Duluth. Please RSVP by Oct. 7 to Nicole at vande422@umn.edu 
Oct. 21 at 6 p.m. at the Government Service Center in Virginia. Please RSVP by Oct. 18 to Nicole at vande422@umn.edu

Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. via Zoom register at: https://umn.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkcuGqrDwoGd2PQUtCPSldnvDMIaKNEUb9#/registration

Dinner and door prizes will be offered at both the October 9th and 21st training.




University of Minnesota Extension is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. To request accommodations for persons with disabilities, reach out to the event contact two weeks before the start of the event. Requests received after this date will be honored whenever possible.


This offering is delivered in English. Interpreter services may be available with an advance request.

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